Raquel Adriana Del Angel Montes Raquel Adriana Del Angel Montes

Intermediate/Advanced level


Abc Presentation
Abc Reading task:
Abc Meaning task:

Main Aims

  • To present students a review of the passive, either with “be” or “get” as the auxiliary verb, in the context of describing the origins and preparation of a traditional dish, more specifically “fish and chips”.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To enable students to develop their reading skills for gist in the context of reading an article that describes the history and preparation of “Fish and Chips”. • To develop Ss speaking fluency by describing a well-known dish from their country by using passive structures when reporting its origins and preparation method.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To engage Ss in the topic of traditional dishes from different parts of the world and how to describe them.

I will start the lesson by showing Ss the first slide of the presentation. I will ask them about their favourite dish from their country. “What is your favorite dish/food from your country?” I will nominate Ss to answer the question (4 or 5 students). Ask them to describe the dish.

Exposure (7-8 minutes) • To present the target language through a text (reading) that will help provide a context for it.

I will tell the students that they are going to read about one of the most beloved dishes in the UK. I will show them the reading task and ask them if they know or if they have ever tried “Fish and Chips”. Then I will tell them that they will have 2 min to read the text and answer if the 5 statements presented are true or false according to what they read in the article. Send the Ss the link (Google forms). After the 2 min have passed, I will ask students to submit their answers. Give OCFB and check the correct answers with the entire class. Answers (A): 1. Fish and chips has been recently voted as the UK’s favorite British takeaway. True 2. Mushy peas are always served with the fish and chips. False 3. The origin of fish and chips can be dated back to the 16th century. True 4. Fish and chips initially gained popularity among the upper class of British society. False 5. The fish and chips will remain popular only in coastal towns like Brighton. False Show Ss the next slide in the presentation. Tell them that they will read the text again, but this time I want them to focus only on the passive structures they can find. Check that they know what the passive is. While they read, they will have to mark the verbs in all the passive sentences. Do the first example with them: They will have to underline the verb “is seen”. Tell students that they will have 1 min to do this exercise. Send the link to the presentation and give one slide to each student. Check with them the verbs they underlined (OCFB).

Clarification (15-16 minutes) • To provide clarification on the target language (passives) by analysing its meaning, form and pronunciation.

Meaning: Ask Ss if they know when to use the passive. Elicit the general rule for the passive construction. A: When the subject of the sentence is the receiver of the action (not the doer). Show students the task to analyse the meaning (Google forms). In the task the have 5 sentences written in passive. Ask them to decide why the passive is being used in each case (they have 2 options to choose from). In some sentences more than one answer is valid. I will do the first sentence with them (example). Then I will send them the link and give them 2 min to complete the exercise. Ask them to NOT submit their answers when they finish. After the 2 min have passed, I will send them to BORs (pairs) to compare their answers. Once they are back in the main room, they can submit their answers. I will check the exercise with them. Answers: 1. It is believed that the earliest fish and chip shops were opened in England in the 1860s. To report facts or opinions, especially if we are not certain about the information. 2. Did you know that this year the National Fish & Chips Day will be celebrated on June 6? To focus on new or unknown information 3. The fish, typically cod or haddock, is dipped in a batter made from flour, water, and sometimes beer, then deep-fried until golden and crispy. To keep the focus on the action or if the person who does the action is unknown or unimportant AND to describe processes or procedures. 4. The origins of this iconic dish can be traced back to the 16th century, when Jewish immigrants from Spain and Portugal introduced the concept of frying fish. To keep the focus on the action or if the person who does the action is unknown or unimportant AND to create an impersonal and objective style, for example in business or a scientific report. 5. Over time, fish and chips got recognized as a classic comfort food, and a distinct representative of British cuisine. To refer to an action that happens by accident or unexpectedly. Pay closer attention to the use of “get” as an auxiliary verb and how to use it. After they finish, show them the slide with the rules of when to use the passive in case that they need them for later. Form: I will show them the next slide. In this exercise, students will have to match the sentences with the correct tense. I will do the first example with them. Give each student one slide and give them one minute to do the exercise. After they finish, check the correct answers with them. • E: Present simple passive: Chips are usually served with salt and vinegar. • C: Past simple passive: The old tradition of serving fish and chips in newspapers was stopped due to safety concerns. • A: Future passive: Did you know that this year the National Fish & Chips Day will be celebrated on June 6? • F: Present perfect passive: The pairing of fish and chips has long been considered a British staple. • B: Present continuous passive: Waste vegetable oil from frying fish is now being used to make fuel for cars. • D: Modal + passive: The origins of the dish can be traced back to the 16th century. After this exercise elicit the general rule: be/get + past participle. Ask students what verb tenses we can use with the passive. A: In theory, all of them. Pronunciation: Show students 3 sentences written in passive. Tell Ss that they will listen to an audio track and while they listen to it, Ss will use some squares to mark the words that are stressed (sentence stress). Each student will have one slide. After listening to the audio twice, I will check with them the words that they marked. Pay close attention to the auxiliary verb (be). Emphasize that when the sentence is in affirmative, the verb to be is not stressed and we pronounce its weak form, while the negative form presents stress in its auxiliary verb. Do some drilling exercises.

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To check Ss understanding of the target language and prepare them for a more meaningful practice.

Show the Ss the slide with the controlled practice task. Tell them to fill the gaps with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis. They have to choose the right tenses. They can use active or passive. Instructions: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Decide if an active or passive form is required. Each student will have one slide. Give them one or two minutes to complete the exercise. Check with them the correct answers. Answers: 1. Researchers discovered a cookbook created in the 1390s containing an Italian recipe for lasagna. 2. Noodles were invented over 4,000 years ago by the Chinese. 3. In the early 20th century, Italian immigrants brought their traditional recipes to America, including the beloved pizza. 4. Spicy food is widely consumed in many parts of Asia. 5. Sushi has been enjoyed in Japan for centuries. 6. By the end of the week, the new dish will have been tried by all the customers in the restaurant.

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with the opportunity to practice the target language by describing a well-known dish from their country.

Ask students to choose a dish/food/cuisine that they like. Tell them that they will have to describe that dish to a friend. They can talk about the origins of the dish, how it is prepared, why they like it or any other information they want to provide. Encourage them to use the passive. I will give them 1 minute to prepare what they want to say and to look online for any information they may need. Encourage them to ask each other questions during the conversation. I will give them an example of a dish I chose. Open BORs (pairs) and give them 4 min to discuss their dishes. Monitor the BORs and write down the mistakes I can identify. Also identify the correct use of the target language. Do OCFB and DEC. Show Ss 3 or 4 sentences and ask Ss to identify which ones are correct. Identify the mistakes and correct the other sentences. If there is still time left in the class, send Ss to BORs again (different pairs) so they can continue practicing their speaking skills.

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