Ievgeniia Balkis Ievgeniia Balkis

Countable and uncountable nouns
Intermediate level


In this lesson students learn/ review their knowledge about countable and uncountable nouns.


Abc ex.3
Abc Problems with dinner. ex.5
Abc flash cards

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for using quantity expressions in the context of food
  • To provide review of countable and uncountable nouns in the context of food.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in quantity expressions in the context of food.


Lead-in (3 minutes) • set the context

put flashcards on the board. Chart on the board: Countable/ Uncountable. ask SS to put them to the relevant column.

Test #1 (5-5 minutes) • Check the student's knowledge which preposition to use with c/u nouns

Underline the possible noun to complete the sentence. Here are some statements. Three answers for each. Choose the only one possible. on your own. ICQ: Do you write new sentences? NO/ How many answers? Only one. Do you work in pairs? no, on your own. Check in pairs. FB: answers on the board. Ask why its wrong/ correct.

complete the noun phrases with a/an (2-2 minutes) • review the rules

Ss complete the phrases on the board. FB for ex#3

Exposure (3-3 minutes) • To set the context for the target language

Teacher write a word on the board. Ask students what we need to cook it. Eliciting the word "quantifiers " I like sweets.I would like to cook cookies. I need your help. What do we need to cook cookies? a half liter of milk 2 eggs 1 glass of flour a pinch of salt handful of nuts.... some butter Circle the quantifiers. Ask How do we call it?

Test #2 (6-6 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

After eliciting the word Quantifiers, get Ss to match the column A with B( container with it's noun) Here is the list of containers. You need to match container with it's noun. For example A glass of ...water. A box of....cookies. Work on your own. You have 6m. Check in table group. Answer key.

Clarification of some vocabulary (2 minutes) • clarify the meaning of unknown word

On the board visuals with some explanations if needed.

Teach (6-6 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

Vocabulary quantity expressions: With plural c.n :some restaurants,. none, any, a few, many, a lot, lots, plenty, too many( more than you need), not enough( less than you need) with U/n : some water, none, any, (a) little, a bit, much, a lot, lots, plenty, too much. Teacher elicit from the students which question word we can use with c/un nouns. Teacher ask student to put flash cards to correct side.

Test #2 (6-6 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language

Some/enough/any/some/ a slice of/ hardly any/very few/much/ not many Cross out the incorrect word in each sentences. ex.5 Extra grammar. My friends went out for the dinner and they had some problems. You will read and cross out the incorrect word in each sentence. On your own. ICQ: Check in pairs. answer key.

Free practice (8-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Game. a board game for students to practice countable and uncountable nouns. Rules This is a game for 4 players (or for teams). • Take a turn by flipping a coin (heads = move 1 space; tails = move 2 spaces) • When you land on a square with the food, ask about it, for example: A slice of bread, please A bottle of mustard, please • If your answer is correct, don't move • If your answer is wrong, move back one space • The winner is the first player to reach the finish Get Ss in group of 4. Explain the rules.

If time (8-8 minutes) • to provide practice of the TL

TEST yourself. Give st test. answer key.

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