Griselda Guzman Griselda Guzman

Writting Lesson
Upper- Intermediate level


Abc Navigate Coursebook

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of writing a blog entry for a competition.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students review basic language expressions related to writing a blog entry for a competition.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Greet students and then share two questions with them in the chat box. Send students in groups to BOR's to chat for 2 minutes about the two questions. 1. Have you ever written a blog? 2. Have you ever written a blog for a competition? If so, what was it about and what was the prize? Return and ask 2 students to share the answer to the two questions.

Text Analysis (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of the writing that the students will produce and to highlight useful language.

Screen share with students google slide of Blog Entry competition. Call on students to read each part of the description (the prize and what all the blog entry should include ) 1. Screen share google forms with my sample blog entry and give students 40 seconds to read it and find what celebration did I write about ? Who is the festival suitable for ? 2. Now, we are going to identify different sections of the blog entry. Share google forms link with students. Give 2 minutes to find answers. 3. Identify language needed in the piece of writing by asking students to guess the meaning and form. Meaning: Are you looking for… - B. Asking about readers interests Looking for something… - C. Asking about a specific area There’s no greater excitement than… A. Comparing/ contrasting Form: Are you looking for... + noun (something general) Looking for something... + noun ( something specific) There's no greater excitement than... + comparing idea Ask students if they believe this kind of language is formal or informal?

Productive Task: Writing (9-11 minutes) • To procide an opportunity to practice writing a blog entry for a competition

Give students 1 minute to think or research about 1 festival or celebration which they would like to write their blog entry about. Share google docs link with students and tell them they have 8-9 minutes to write their blog entry.

Productive Task: Writing- peer correction (8-10 minutes) • To allow students to review each other's writing and do peer correction

Put students into BOR's with a partner. Students check their partner's blog using the content checklist. Students share feedback with partner about the checklist.

Feedback and Error Correction (6-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

I'll do delayed error correction with students where needed. I will try to find correct sentences to praise the students work and do corrections with the class on grammar, or sentence structure where needed.

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