AmirReza AmirReza

(will) & (be going to)
Elementary level


In this lesson, Ss are going to be introduced to future simple tense utilizing (will) and (be going to). The lesson starts with a discussion about the activities that can be done on weekend vacations. This is followed by a dialogue between two friends, which will be presented to Ss through some pieces of papers. Then, Ss will be provided with model sentences and questions relating to the meaning of the sentences. Subsequently, T will ask Ss to do some controlled and mi-controlled practice. Following that, some drills are going to be performed to focus on intonation and pronunciation. Finally, the students are going to share their own plans for the weekend with their group members.


Abc Power Point
Abc Dialogue HO

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of (will) & (be going to) in the context of weekend vacations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of weekend vacation


Warmer/ Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

* The T starts the class with a fleeting greeting. * The T groups Ss. * The T puts the questions on the board and asks the Ss to discuss with one another in their groups.

Study (8-10 minutes) • To provide model sentences and directed questions to make the Ss notice and be enlightened on the new grammar meaning, form, and pronunciation

* The T gets Ss exposed to the model sentences. (mainly the prepared dialogue) * The T clarifies the meaning of the grammar by asking directed questions. * The T asks the Ss to do the practices one by one and then check their answers with their group members. (ICQs: Are you going to do the exercises on your own or in your groups? / Are you going to check your answers in pairs or groups?) * The T have the Ss to do some drills by repeating the dialogues.

Activation (3-5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive language system in real life situation.

* The T pairs Ss. * The T puts new discussion questions on the board and asks each pair to discuss them with their partners. * The T monitors the Ss to correct them in case they misuse the new grammar.

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