Ixchel Constantino Ixchel Constantino

Postcard Writing
Elementary level


Learners will improve their writing skills by writing a postcard


Abc facetoface Elementary Workbook pg. 87

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of writing a postcard. (30-40 words)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of ellipsis.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. T shares screen in the Canva for lead-in and asks SS the following questions What do we see in the picture (a postcard)? Have you ever written a postcard? (yes/no) 2. Nominate 2-3 SS to get their answers.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading.

GIST 1. T shares screen on Google Forms for gist task with the same postcard. 2. T explains the task. They will have 1min to read the text and then they will have to answer the question below. • What is Joe telling in the postcard? • About his trip to USA (answer) • About the weather • About his friends in USA 3. T conducts OCFB and nominates 1 SS to answer. AWARENESS OF LAYOUT 1. T shares Canva on parts of a postcard and gives brief explanation of the parts of a postcard 2. T shares Jamboard Awareness of layout TP5 with the postcard and explain the next task. 3. S will read the text again and this time in groups of 2 or 3 label the parts of the text. Do a quick demo before sharing the link in chat. Ask Ss to confirm they have found their labelled slides by giving a quick thumbs. They will have 5min in BOR. 4. T gives SS 5 min in BOR. 5. After they are back T conducts OCFB and nominates 2-3 SS to answer.

Useful Language (5-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

1. T tells SS that it is time to check language to write a Postcard. 2. T Shares Canva on slide 5 and give an explanation of ellipsis, usage of exclamation marks and the link word (and). 3. Then share Google Forms for Language analysis and explain the task. 4. Students will have to read the phrases and fill de gaps with the words given in the box. They will do this individually for about 4 min. Spent Staying Weather Lots Going See 5. T makes ICQ’s: • Do we have to fill the blank? yes • Are we doing this individually or in groups? individually 6. After 4 min conduct (OCFB). T expects 2-3 SS to answer.

Productive Task(s) (12-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1. T shares screen on Productive Task Jamboard, and explains the task. 2. Show writing task rubric. Highlight they should write about the same amount as Joe(30-40 words). They will write a postcard about their vacations. Concept check: You are writing about? My vacations. 3. Remind Ss they should use ellipsis, link word (and) and exclamation marks. Tell Ss to find their name-labelled slides. Give Ss 12-15 mins to write their text.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-7 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

1. Highlight the location of the checklist on the slides. Assign each student a partner. Tell them they should read their partner's postcard, and put yes / no if they have fulfilled the criteria listed in the checklist. 2. Checklist -Greeting -Body -Closing -Sender’s name -PS note

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