Bita Bita


Abc Board and Marker
Abc A recorded sound of a scientist
Abc speakers
Abc Related pictures
Abc Projector
Abc course-book
Abc laser
Abc PowerPoint slides

Main Aims

  • Students will be better able to improve their understating of reading comprehension skills, skimming and scanning, in the context of a reading text about scientists and their hard work (titles ad NO PAIN, NO GAIN), provided in their school course-book.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To make students engaged in the topic of the reading, make them curious about it, and to guide them to the topic and the text very smoothly.
  • To prepare students with more pair works and groupworks, in order to improve their collaboration and cooperation, and also to make use of the potential of learning from classmates.
  • To strengthen students' speaking ability through the role-play provided at post-reading stage.
  • To strengthen students' writing skill through provided assignment.
  • To prepare fun and engaging activities.


Warmer (9-13 minutes) • To make students involved in the lesson, and to have a review of something which has been taught last session.

1. Greeting and calling the roles. 2. Choose a learner from Ss’ list (you can ask one of the Ss to say a number in the range of Ss’ numbers and choose that student). If the chosen student has the proper condition, ask them to come to the board, back to it. Write one of the words which have been taught in the last session on the board, and ask other Ss to say short easy sentences as clues to guide their friend at the board to guess the word. As the student tells the right word, ask her to choose another student to come to the board. 3. Repeat the instruction for other students and continue doing it till all the words of last session will become reviewed. Give appropriate feedback. 4. As Ss have finished the review part, play a recorded sound of one of the scientists, talking about things he has done to achieve his goals and the problems he has encountered in this field). 5. Ask Ss following Qs: -Do you know who the speaker is? (If they say that he is a scientist, ask the next question. If not, guide them and try to elicit the word-scientist.) -Do you know who this scientist exactly is? -What was he talking about? -Do you like this scientist? Why? -Who is your favorite scientist? Why?

Pre-Reading (13-15 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1. Show some pictures of a number of scientists’ laboratories. 2. Ask Ss :“do you know where these places are?” And then, ask if they know which scientist is the laboratory for. Ask Ss some questions like “look at the pictures; is it easy to work in these places?”. By asking these kinds of questions, try to elicit that scientists had hard situations and they were facing many problem, but they never stop doing things to answer their questions. 3. Repeat the sentence and say :"they never stopped doing the things, they never got tired, so they never give up or quit" (so these blocking words will is introduced). Ask CCQs: -Are you going to continue what you did, when you give up doing it? (No) -Are you going to stop doing that?(Yes) -can you tell a synonym for that? (quit) Work on pronunciation and form as well as meaning. 4. For teaching the next word, which is "experiment", refer to the pictures again, and introduce that scientists do experiment here. Then, mime it to transfer its meaning even better. Show two different pictures, one about doing an experiment and another one, a library which a person is looking at many books which means "research'. ask Ss Which picture is about doing an experiment. 5. Ask Ss to look at another picture and introduce the word "research". -Show those two pictures again and ask Ss to say the related word of each picture. -Ask some individuals to repeat the words. 6. Show a picture of Thomas Edison and ask Ss to share some interesting information about Edison with the class if they know. 7. Finally, introduce Ss the word "lose the hearing" as one of the things they may not know about Edison. Accompany it with pictures to clarify the meaning. -Work on MPF

While-Reading (27-30 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

1. After introducing blocking vocabulary and making sure of Ss’ understanding, ask them to close their books (in order to not seeing the title of the text), and read the text which is been provided on the data projector very quickly to get the gist of the text. 2.Give instructions; they have 3 minutes to read the text individually and then, they should provide a good topic for the text Ask ICQs: -How much time do you have? (3 minutes) -So are you going to read the text quickly or very detailed and slowly? (quickly) -Are you going to do it individually? (Yes) -Are you going do a task of finding the best title for the text? (Yes) 3. Provide Ss with three different titles and ask them to choose the best one (which is No pain, No gain). 4. Elicit the meaning of the proverb. 5. Ask some students why two other titles are not suitable, to make sure of their understanding. 6. Ask two or three students to tell the gist of the text (First ask the volunteers or proficient Ss and then, choose one student to talk about the gist). 7. Ask Ss to open their books and read the first question of reading comprehension. 8. Pair-up Ss and ask them to answer the first question in 3 minutes. Provide them with the instruction; they don’t need to read the whole text carefully. They can find the keywords provided in the questions and look for them in the text to find the answer. Ask one of the proficient Ss to say the instruction in Farsi for the whole class. -Give feedback. -Monitor Ss. 9. Ask each pair to check their answers with another pair. 10. To make sure of Ss' true answers, do a class check for the exercise. In order to do that, use a laser. Start underlying the text on the board from the beginning. As you achieve the point which the answer to one of the questions is provided, Ss should tap on their desks. Then, ask one of the Ss to read the question and provide the answer. -follow the instruction for two other questions. 11. Ask Ss to do true false and matching activity in groups. Provide them with 6 minutes. Try to have at least one proficient student in each group. -Give feedback. -Monitor Ss. -help them if necessary. -Make sure that all the members are participating and are doing the activities. 12. After completing the activity, ask Ss to stand in a line. Write the term “true” on one side of the board and “false” on the other side. Ask one student to read the1st true false question. After reading the question, students should jump to the appropriate direction (true/false). Ask one of ss to justify why the answer is true or false. Follow the instruction for other true/false Qs. 13. For checking the matching exercise, do a kind of hangman activity. The 1st sentence emerges on the left hand of the PP slide, and four prompts will be emerged on the right hand of the PP slide which are covered with the help of PP features. Uncover the prompts one by one. If the prompt is the answer, Ss should shout it’s the answer, but if the prompt is not the answer, Ss should say NO and you cover the prompt again. -For each right answer, ask one Ss to justify it. -Follow the same instruction for two other questions of matching activity.

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1. Ask Ss to provide a role play in pairs. They should act the role of scientists who are talking about their hard works and efforts. To make it fun and engaging, you can ask Ss to boast about their hard works, or when one of them say sth about her handwork, the other one should say sth worse, in higher degrees. They have 5 minutes to provide their role play Ask ICQs: -Are you going to do it in groups? (No) -Are you going to do it in pairs? (Yes) -Are you going to act sth? (Yes) -Are you going to act as a scientist or a physician? (A scientist) -Can you provided it in a fun way? (Yes) -How much time do you have to prepare your role-play? (5 minutes) 2. Based on time remained from the session, ask a number of pairs to perform their role play in front of the class. As the assignment, ask them to provide a summary of the reading text they have read.

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