Valy Valy

Copy of Grammar Lesson (verb+ing) (verb+preposition)
upper-intermediate level


In this lesson, students will focus on the lexical and the semantic use of the form (verb+ing). Then, they are supposed to deduce the rule that relates the (verb+preposition) form to the (verb+ ing) via a story. Finally, students revise the rule by writing and discussing sentences about their lives.


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice of (verb+ing) (verb+preposition) in the context of family

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a story in the context of family


Warming up (2-4 minutes) • To review the (to+infinitive) form and introduce the (verb+ing) form

Students guess the difference between 2 sentences that represent the 2 forms. and a little explanation is made upon which verb takes which form.

fill in the blanks (5-7 minutes) • to put the verbs in the right form in the blanks

Teacher explains the exercise and models the first sentence. The students go through the sentences and fill in the blanks. Each pair then corrects to another pair of students.

Categorizing (5-8 minutes) • students practice their understanding of the rule given in a context

Students classify the list of verbs given in the HO into two grammatical groups. Students then are given a sheet of paper that contains the grammar to check their answers.

Ordering Sentences and Deducing a rule (10-15 minutes) • to order sentences in a logical contextual order, and to deduce that -ing form comes after

Students order strips of paper that has sentences in the context of a story. They discuss the reasons behind their ordering. then, they check if their answers are correct by listening to a sound track. Finally, they deduce that -ing form comes after verb+ preposition form. Students then make a list of the verbs and the prepositions being used. If we have time they might write sentences, if not they may take it home.

Producing Sentences (5-10 minutes) • to produce the language that they have been learning in a written form

Students study the examples in exercise 3 individually then write their own sentences. They exchange papers and check for each other.

Wrapping up (4-6 minutes) • to produce the rule in the speaking form

Students make up sentences about the rule and tell them to the classroom.

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