Mahdi Mahdi

YLE Lesson Plan


Trainee's name: Mahdi Nemati / Time : 90 minutes / Date: May 17th 2024 / Book: Super Minds 1 / Module: Story / Page No.: 38 & 39


Abc Pictures
Abc White board and markers
Abc Song
Abc Videos

Main Aims

  • SWBAT: 1.Use the language of the story to talk about animals and say where they are. 2. Activate the grammar part and also the vocabulary part in different stages of the TL. Students will also appreciate the value of the lesson wich is being brave.

Subsidiary Aims

  • In this session, I personally aim to: Maximize STT, Keep Ss engaged and involved in the TL, Make Ss use the vocabulary part and grammar part in different extents, Make an amicable atmosphere in the class. Despite being fun and friendly with the Ss keep my authority and be dominent over the class and the Ss.


Presentation (30-40 minutes) • To review the grammar and vocabulary part. To engage Ss and make them prepared for the TL. To set the context and pre-teach the blocking words through MCPF.

1.Greeting the Ss warmly and enthusiastically. -Tell them I am so glad to have another class with them and have the chance to see then agane. -Tell the I found a new friend on the way and I invited him to the class (Mr Spicy, a spider doll). 2. Revisin: -First I review the names of the animals using a catchy chant that Ss have almost memorized in the vocabulary session. -I divide Ss in three or four groups, show the a picture of animals and ask them to be number the words on the board according to the picture shown on the screen. The group wich numbers the words will be the winner. ICQs: *Are you going to number the words on the board or write? Number. *How many pictures are there on the screen? 8. *How many words are the on the board? 8. (I will also use my hands and gesture to point the board, screen and miming the action of writing numbers and words). 3.Context: I introduce Mr Spicy to the class, ask them to say hello to him. I also ask Ss if they like spiders. If they say no I will point Mr spicy and tell them Mr would be upset if they don't like him. I will ask Mr Spicy to go under the desk. Them he goes above the desk, I ask Ss to make Mr spicy understand that he has made a mistake. Mr Spicy then goes under the desk (he is right now). I ask Ss to express approval to Mr Spicy. Then I mention the fact that Mr Spicy is very smart that he could understand where under the desk is! Elicitation Questions: Is Mr Spicy under the desk? Is Mr Spicy happy? Is Mr Spicy smart? (and then clever, pointing my head and turn the lamp over my mind up by my gesture to make Ss understand what clever means) 4.Pre-teaching: Blocking Words and phrases: clever, come back, amazing, I've got an idea Clever: As Mr Spicy gets to the right place when we asked him, I point my mind and say: Guys, Mr Spicy is so ......? (Wait for the Ss to come up with the answer <clever>). CCQ: I draw two boys on the board writing the answer of 2+2. One answering 5 and the other 4. Then I point the one with answer 5 and with my other hand pointing my head and ask Ss: Clever? They will probably say: No. Then I do the same for the other boy to ger the Yes answer from Ss. I ask Ss to repeat the word clever for a couple of times rythmically, by changing the tone of voice. Then I ask a few of the Ss to repeat the word individualy. Finally, I write the word down on the board.

Practice (30-40 minutes) • Make the Ss understand the theme of the TL. Make them able to read the dialogues of the story and make them prepared for using the theme and the language of the TL in the Production stage.

1.Picture Study: I put the book over my chest and show the pictures of the story to the Ss. Ask them to say what the can see in the pictures. Then I display the pictures on the the screen, ask the Ss to say what the can see in groups of two. ICQs: Do you read the story? No. Do you look at the pictures and say what you see? Yes. 2.Playing the video: I borad the two questions: Does Flash like spiders? Does Misty like spiders? and ask Ss to watch the video and answer the questions. ICQs: Do you watch the video and read or watch the video and answer the questions? Answer. How many questions are there? Two. 3.Playing the audio: Now, I ask Ss to open their books, listen to the audio and repeat. ICQs: Are you going to listen and point or listen and repeat? Repeat.

production (30-40 minutes) • Make Ss activate the tought lesson. Make them able to use the language of the TL.

Controlled Practice: Ask Ss to to the exercise of the book. ICQs: Do you write or circle? Circle. Semi Controlled Practice: Give Ss some parts of the story and ask them to number them by order in groups of two. ICQs: Do you read the story parts or number them? Nunber. Do you do it with your friend? Yes. Freer Practice: Ask Ss one by one to take Mr Spicy and show it to their friends. They may ask their friends to touch Mr Spicy. If so, They should say that: Oh you're brave, you can touch Mr spicy. The will also ask each other the questions mentioned in the story part (which are now written on the board to make the task possible to be done). The questions are: Do you like spiders? Is spider clever? Are you brave? Can you touch spiders? How many legs does Mr Spicy have? ICQs: Do you ask questions about your friend or about spiders? Spiders.

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