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Shopping (book and related subjects), Simple past tense
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn simple past (regular verbs) in the context of shopping through storytelling. First of all, the teacher engages students by bringing some books and showing some related photos and videos from the Tehran International Book Fair. Then, the teacher works on MPF by clarifying the meaning with the help of students, drilling, and building the form on the board. After that, the teacher provides some handouts (controlled practices) to pairs of students, so that they have worked on both form and meaning. As a semi-controlled practice, students make sentences with simple past based on the pictures given to them through a game. At last, the losers of the previous game come to the board and continue the story started by the teacher on the board.


Abc PowerPoint, data projector
Abc Printed pictures
Abc Video clip
Abc Some books
Abc Adhesive tape, scissors
Abc Pieces of paper (Subject, Verb, Object,....)
Abc handout
Abc Music, a ball
Abc White board, Marker

Main Aims

  • Learners will be better able to use simple past tense to explain their past experiences in the context of shopping

Subsidiary Aims

  • To have more whole-class activities
  • To have a student-centered class
  • To expand writing activities in order to improve this skill in students
  • To strengthen learners' speaking ability through the semi-controlled and free practice provided by the teacher
  • To provide a situation in which students can learn and also correct their mistakes, with the help of their classmates, through the pair work and freer practice provided


Engage (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. Greeting and calling the roles. 2. Bring some books to the class and apologize for being a bit late to the class and explain the reason: The assumption is that the teacher has been to the Tehran International Book Fair and has just arrived with the books she has bought. 3. Elicit the topic (shopping) and engage the students by asking the following Qs: - (Tell students about favorite books) What kind of books do you like? - Do you even like reading book? - What are your favorite books? - How do you usually buy your books? (online/bookstore?) - (Show the books) Where do you think I was last weekend? - (Show a video clip of the Tehran International Book Fair) How about now? Can you guess where I was last weekend?

Study (5-7 minutes) • Introducing the language and working on the samples

1. Show some photos from the book fair and elicit the related sentence using simple past tense. Students look at the photos and say what is happening in them. Say that it happened in the past and tell the students the related sentences for the first two photos to provide the model for the students. Ss say related sentences for the rest of the photos using past tense. 2. Work on MPF: Meaning: Show the timeline for simple past tense to make sure that the students have understood the meaning. Ask the following Qs from the whole class to clarify the meaning: - Is this happening now? (No) - When did this happen? Give feedback 4. Pronunciation: Drilling the sentences produced by the Ss. Working on the intonation and stress using hand movements. 5. Form: Show different sentences (affirmative, negative, interrogative) on PowerPoint. Introduce the form of the sentence through a matching task on the board. (Papers including the different parts of a sentence "(Subject, Verb, Object,....)" are attached to walls and Ss put them below the words in each sentence.) Give meaningful and useful feedback

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1. Give each pair a worksheet including two Qs on it (Q1: "scrambled sentences" focusing on form, Q2: "fill-in-the-blank" focusing on meaning). Each pair exchanges their handout with another pair and gives feedback to each other. (correct mistakes orally). They have 4 minutes to complete the task. Monitor the Ss, and help if necessary. ICQs: - Are you going to do it in pairs or individually? (Pairs) - How much time do you have? (4 mins) - Are you going to give feedback orally or written? (orally)

Semi-Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

1. Students sit in a U-shape to play a game. Some pictures related to shopping are shown on the PowerPoint slides. Each picture is for 4 students. Based on the clues given to them by the teacher (thumbs up, down, ...), they cross a ball to each other in order and make affirmative, negative, a question related to the picture, and the answer to the Q (negative or positive answer). Music is playing during the game, when it stops the person who has the ball loses and goes to the board. ICQs: Ask a professional student to explain the procedure of the game in Persian. 2. Monitor students. Errors will be corrected immediately.

Free Practice (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1. Write a sentence on the board. Those students who lost the game should continue the story by saying single sentences using simple past. They have 3 minutes to complete the story. ICQs: Are you going to write anything? (No) Is it just one of you going to tell the whole story? (No) How much time do you have? 3 minutes 2. Take note of students' errors and after the task, write them on the board and correct them with the help of the Ss. (error correction)

Homework (1-2 minutes) • give student another opportunity to review class material

1. Write a short paragraph about an interesting and memorable shopping experience they had in the past. ICQs: - Are you going to do it right now? (No) - Are you going to write it or say it in the next session? (Write) - Are you going to write about yourself? (Yes)

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