Eleni Papadopoulou Eleni Papadopoulou

Τι κάνεις; Πού μένεις;
A1.1 level


In this lesson, students will get familiar with the vocabulary related to personal information and how to introduce themselves. The pictures with the captions shown on screen and the short discussion among the students will set the context of the lesson. The reading activity will set the context for the grammar clarification. Through the matching activity Ss will practice the vocabulary and the acquisition of "Ενεστώτας" (Simple Present). A listening and writing post-productive task will lead to the lesson's end.


Abc 3 pictures with captions
Abc Hand Out 1
Abc Ενεστώτας
Abc Hand Out 2
Abc Hand Out 3

Main Aims

  • To provide
  • To provide clarification of the language used to introduce themselves in Greek and share personal information.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of the Simple Present in the context of introducing oneself.
  • To provide gist, specific information through the listening activity in order to practice introducing oneself
  • To provide deduction and inference on the different ways someone can introduce themselves.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show the three pictures on screen. What do you see in these pictures? How are the captions connected to them? Discuss with your partner for two minutes. Write possible answers to the notepad/WB.

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Show to the Ss the two short texts. Point to the names mentioned in the texts and ask them what kind of texts these two are. "Ανθή", "Δημήτρης", "Άρης", "Άννα". After a WCFB, they understand that the texts are two short dialogues. Some questions about the other proper names that are in the texts will follow up. Ss understand that these are names of places. Students now have four minutes to read the two texts and do the activity of the page individually. Show Answer Key on the screen, and ask if there are any questions.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Underline phrases in the two texts ("Είμαι ο Άρης", "δεν είμαι από τη Θεσσαλονίκη", "ο Δημήτρης είμαι", "γεια χαρά, Δημήτρη", "τι κάνεις;"), and through concept checking questions, Ss try to understand their meanings. Then, I will provide the link for the matching activity, I will explain what they have to do, and through this process, Ss will reach the meaning of the phrases. The online activity will provide the correct answers if there are mistakes. I will give any extra clarification in meaning if needed.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

The phrases "Τι κάνεις;" and "Στον Βόλο μένει μια φίλη μου" is on the WB. Ask the Ss CCQs to clarify the meaning of Ενεστώτας (Present Simple). Tι κάνεις; "Are we talking about the present moment?" - "Yes" Στον Βόλο μένει μια φίλη μου. "Is it a permanent situation?" -" Yes" "Is it a repeated action?" - "Yes" When it comes to the form, I will highlight the verbs of the two sentences and their subjects. I will use markers of different colour to show how the ending in the verbs changes depending on the subject. Then, I will give the rest of the endings that the verb takes for the conjugation, and I will dο some drills with the whole class to practice the pronunciation.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide the students with an activity in order to practice the meaning and the form of "Ενεστώτα" (Present Simple))"

Show the Ss the HO2. Instructions: "These are ten sentences. You are going to read them and complete the ending in the verbs by checking their subject. You work in pairs. You have 5 minutes" ISQs: "Are you going to read or write?" - "Write" "Are you going to write the endings or the personal pronouns?" - "the endings" "Are you working with your partner?"-"Yes" "How much time do you have?"-"5 minutes" For checking Ss check the answers shown on screen. Discuss any questions.

Semi-controlled practice (5-10 minutes) • To give Ss the choice to use the TL in a freer activity

Give Ss the lyrics (HO3) of the song "Tι κάνεις;" by Giannis Parios. They listen to the song while following the lyrics. They underline the phrases that mean "how are you" in Greek and the answers to that question. Then, with their partner they rewrite the parts of the song that have these phrases (καλημέρα, τι κάνεις; - να είσαι πάντα καλά) by giving different pharses that have the same meaning with their possible answers.

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