Nicholas Suter Nicholas Suter

Upper Intermediate level


This is a Lexis lesson with the objective developing students skills using collocations with take in them, in the context of holidays and events. Students will develop their understanding of the meaning and form of take collocations through a mixture of teacher-led clarification and gist, detailed understanding and freer practice activities combined with pair-work and group interactions.


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Main Aims

  • To provide students with clarification using take collocations in the context of holidays and big events, with gist and controlled practice activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable student to develop speaking skills using the target language in the context of holidays and big events.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Open with slide focused on holidays with questions involving the TL: What is the most important thing you take with you when you go on holidays? What activities do you like to take part in? What else do you take with you? Is there anything or anywhere you would really like to take a photo of?

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Introduce dialogue-reading exercise. Bring up PPT2 slide with instructions and conversation "Read through the following conversation." "Write down all the collocations you can find that use the verb to take." (A ‘collocation’ is a combination of two or more words that we use together in a natural way.) Robert: Did you go to the concert last week? Janet: Unfortunately I didn’t, as I had to take part in a work meeting. Robert: It was really great, I managed to take a photo of the band before they went on stage. Janet: Lucky you, did you take your time to get a good shot? Robert: No, I had to rush to take a seat before they were all occupied. Janet: Did you take care of your camera this time? Robert: Stop reminding me about last time, you take after mum. Janet: Well at least you didn’t have to spend your evening taking notes. Robert: So where did your meeting take place? Janet: Well actually, we went to a bar. I took it seriously but no one else did and it was so hot I had to take off my jacket. Robert: You need to think about your job. It takes too much out of you. Janet: You’re not the first person to say that I need to take up yoga to help me relax. Go through first answer: PPT3 Janet: Unfortunately I didn’t, as I had to TAKE PART IN a work meeting. send conversation text in chat and in word document Find the take collocations.docx Give 2 minutes to do the task Put Ss in BORs to compare answers (3 mins) Do OCFB giving answers (1-2 minutes) Use PPT4 : Answer key Be ready to send answer key on chat Find the take collocations_Answers.docx

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Introduce new phrases with the Take TL highlighted PPT5 Followed by quick introduction to collocations and phrasal verbs PPT6 (collocation definition and phrasal verbs) Introduce multiple-choice questions related to TL questions will be used to help clarify meaning PPT 7 MCQs Introduction In the multiple-choice on Google Forms Pick the definitions that best answer the questions. The questions are related to the take phrases we are going to be looking at. See how many you know. We will be going through these phrases in more detail later so you will only have 2 minutes look through them. Do not worry if you don’t finish. send Google Forms link through chat (have backup word doc. available) PPT8 show G-F question1

Clarification (9-11 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the 11 take collocations

Clarification done by collocation groupings Go through meaning clarification with MCQs word-by-word Follow-up with Form clarification and pronunciation PPT 9 Meaning for (elicit responses) Take off the saucepan before it burns! To take up jogging is good for your health. His speaking takes after his teacher’s. Which of these phrases, is used when we remove something? The plane took off. We took off for the weekend. I took off my watch. Definition: To take off Remove something, normally clothes. Which of these phrases is used for starting a new hobby? The take up of new memberships was surprisingly large. They all wanted to take up golf. Take up the tennis racquet to your mother! She’s in her bedroom. Definition: To take up To start doing something, normally an activity. Which of the following phrases uses a synonym for “to take after something/someone”? He looks like his grandfather. He runs after the car. He does the task after his friends. Definition: To take after To look or behave like somebody else, normally an older member of your family PPT10 Form and pronunciation take +preposition + object (elicit responses) Take off the saucepan before it burns! To take up jogging is good for your health. His speaking takes after his teacher’s. Drilling if time PPT11 Meaning for (elicit responses) Weddings take place in churches. She takes part in the voting. They take notes in the lecture. Which of these phrases means ‘something is happening’? Take a place in the room. The ceremony takes place in the afternoon. She takes his place in the ceremony. Definition: To take place To happen, could be talking about time or place. Which of these phrases means participating in something? She takes part of the prize money. She takes apart the prize. She takes part in the prize ceremony. Definition: To take part To participate in something, normally with other people. Which of these refers to writing down various bits of information while reading or listening to something? He takes a note of the lecture time. They took notes all the time. They took note of the time. Definition: To take notes To write down information about something; in a notebook, tablet etc. for future reference. PPT12 Form and pronunciation take + noun (+ preposition + noun/pronoun/phrase) (elicit responses) Weddings take place in churches. She takes part in the voting. They take notes in the lecture. Drilling if time PPT13 Meaning for (elicit responses) Take a seat, while you wait. When do you want to take a photo of the class? To take care of the garden. If you are asked to take a seat, what should you do? Pick up and move the seat away. Sit down. Sit down in somebody else’s seat. Definition: To take a seat To sit down, generally on a chair of some kind, and normally as or after an invitation. If we wish to capture a photograph of something which of these phrases do we use? Let’s take a photo with my phone. Let’s take a photo in the park. Let’s take a photo of the park. Definition: To take a photo of Capture an image using a camera or smartphone If we are looking after somebody, what are we doing? We take care of the old people. We take care with the old people. We take care to hurt the old people. Definition: To take care of To look after someone or something PPT14 Form and Pronunciation (elicit responses) To take care of the garden. take + care (noun) + of (prep) + object/noun When do you want to take a photo of the class? take + a (det.) + photo (noun) +of (prep) +obj. Take a seat, while you wait. take + s (det.) + seat + (noun) (+adverb / phrase) PPT15 Meaning for (elicit responses) Take your time to do it properly. To do something well you have to take it seriously. If you want to tell someone not to rush, what would you say? Take your watch so you won’t be late. Take your time so you arrive safely. Take your time, we haven’t got all day. Definition: To take your time To do something at a leisurely pace or do something without hurrying to finish it. If you wish to do a hobby well, what should you do? To learn chess, you have to take it earnestly. To learn chess, you have to take it easy. To learn chess, you have to take it seriously. Definition: To take it seriously To think that something is important or deserves attention – an idiom PPT16 Form and pronunciation (elicit responses) Take your time to do it properly. take + possessive pronoun +time (noun) (+prep + something ) To do something well you have to take it seriously. take + it (pronoun) + seriously (+something)

Controlled Practice (9-11 minutes) • To concept check understanding of take collocations and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Introduce task, give instructions PPT18 - fill in gaps Complete the following sentences using the phrases from the list in the box. Use the correct form of the verb to take when filling in the gaps. Task time: 4 - 5 minutes. 1. Would you mind ___________________________ for a moment. I’ll tell Mr Jones you’re here. 2. Excuse me, could you ___________________________ us all with this camera? 3. Fortunately, my son ___________________________ the dogs when I went on holiday. 4. Millions of people ___________________________ in the last election. 5. Don’t worry, we’re not in a hurry. You can ___________________________ getting ready. 6. I can’t remember anything from class. I wish I’d ___________________________. 7. It’s so stuffy, I need to ___________________________ my sweatshirt. 8. Everyone says Michael ___________________________ his father, but I think he’s more like his mother. Do 1st question together PPT19 1. Would you mind _____taking a seat____ for a moment. I’ll tell Mr Jones you’re here. Ask if any questions about the questions Send task on chat G-F Take Collocations fill in the blanks _TP03-3_Fill-in the take collocations.docx At end of time tell students they will be comparing answers in pairs for 4 mins PPT20 put Ss in BORs Monitor OCFB 1-2 mins Give answers on PPT21 Answer key 1. Would you mind _____taking a seat____ for a moment. I’ll tell Mr Jones you’re here. 2. Excuse me, could you ___take a photo of___ us all with this camera? 3. Fortunately, my son _____took care of______ the dogs when I went on holiday. 4. Millions of people _______took part_______ in the last election. 5. Don’t worry, we’re not in a hurry. You can ___take your time___ getting ready. 6. I can’t remember anything from class. I wish I’d ____taken notes______. 7. It’s so stuffy, I need to ______take off_________ my sweatshirt. 8. Everyone says Michael _____takes after_____ his father, but I think he’s more like his mother.

Freer Practice (9-11 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the target language

PPT21 Questions and Answers using take Work in Pairs With your partner, ask and answer questions using ‘take phrases’ we have seen today. Try to use as many take collocations as you can! slide shows four starter questions Ask if any questions about task Give 4-5 mins for activity Put in BORs Monitor Take notes of problem phrases (2-3) Good phrases (1-2) OCFB get Ss to talk about their discussions (2-3 mins) DEC (2-3 mins)

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