TP8_Dulce Giermanski
Upper Intermediate level
Main Aims
To introduce and provide practice for writing a description of a place you love and using correct text structure.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide reading practice for gist and detailed understanding in the context of a peer's written work.
To provide practice of strong adjectives in the context of describing a beloved place.
Procedure (31-45 minutes)
T shares Google Slides screen. T asks Ss to "name a place that you like to visit." and "provide 1-2 reasons why." T provides an example, such as a used bookstore. "I love going to used bookstores because you never know what kind of book you'll find. I might find a book I've wanted for a long time or something unexpected." T nominates Ss to share their thoughts and writes ideas on slide.
T tells Ss: "In a moment, you will read a short text I've written and think about these 5 questions listed here. You will have 2 minutes to read and consider these questions before we discuss them together." T asks Ss if they have any questions. T gives Ss 2 minutes to read and consider questions.
T asks Ss: How many titles & paragraphs are there? What is each paragraph about? Is it formal, informal, neutral? Where would you read a text like this? What is the purpose of the bold words? T nominates Ss to answer and share their responses to each question. T tells Ss: "Look at these sentences and the words in bold. On your own, take a minute to match the numbers by each adjective to the letter that matches their meaning on the left. Type your answers in the chat." T demonstrates how to complete task. T gives Ss a minute to submit answers. T shows Ss answers and asks if they have any questions about meaning before moving on.
T tells Ss: I'd like for you to write a description of a place you love. It should be at least 120 words. You'll have 15 minutes to write. You will write on a google document on the page with your name. (T demonstrates task while giving instructions) Now, before we begin, take two minutes to think of a place, how you're going to organize your writing, and what you want to write about. T gives Ss 2 minutes to prepare ideas. T tells Ss they will be in their own BORs while they write and if they have any questions they can send me a message in the chat or they can wait til I visit their BOR. T asks if they have any general questions about the task before they begin? T organizes Ss into BORs to write T monitors BORs and Ss progress on Google document for feedback and help if needed. T tells Ss: For the next 5-8 minutes, you will read each other's writing and discuss these questions with each other and explain your opinions. T organizes Ss into BORs to discuss T monitors discussions and prepares for FB/DEC
T invites Ss to share their writing and discuss their thoughts on their writing. T asks other Ss to share their thoughts on peer's writing T shares examples of language used in writing T asks Ss if language is good or needs correction/reformulation?