TP6, Shiva Khoei
Beginner level


in this lesson, Ss will practice lexis related to journeys. first, vocabulary will be elicited and drilled. then they will do further practice on vocabulary by a 'find someone who' activity. finally, Ss will do a reading task following the stages of a reding lesson.


Abc projector
Abc Ho (Chris Redstone with Gillie Cunningham. F2F Starter Student's book: Cambridge)
Abc Paper slips, Chris Redstone with Gillie Cunningham. F2F Starter Student's book: Cambridge
Abc WB
Abc Google pictures

Main Aims

  • To practice reading for gist and for detail in the context of jouneys

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice in the context of transport and journey
  • To provide practice of vocabulary relating to transport


Lead in (3-5 minutes) • To introduce the context of transportation vehicles and journeys

1-I will ask Ss how they came to ITI today? by car? by bus? by bike? 2- Then Ill show a map of some cities in Turkey and ask Ss whether they have seen those cities. having elicited their answers, I will ask them how they can go visit those cities, by car? by bus? by train?

Vocabulary introduction (4-6 minutes) • To elicit and check the vocabulary related to transportation

1- I will show them the pictures of some vehicles. 2- hand Ss the names of vehicles, ask them to come to the board and stick the names where they fit. 3- eliciet and drill the vocabulary with focus on sterss specially with 'motorbike' and 'taxi'.

practice of 'verbs' with transport vehicles (4-6 minutes) • to practice using verbs 'go, come, travel, walk'

1- ill write a simple sentence on WB (I go to shcool everyday, I eat breakfast everyday) and ask Ss where is the verb. ill underline it. then Ill chest the HO referring to ex. 1,c. 2- Ss are asked to uderline verbs in 1,c. by themselves. 3- check in pairs. 4- focus on verbs; mime 'go, come' ask one student to come to the board, ask him to go; elicit travel, did u travel to ankara? how did u travel to ankara? by bus? by plane? 5- model and drill: by bus, go by car (drive), by plane (fly)

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To check ss use of the words

1- Ss will be given the instruction as to what to do with paper slips: first complete them, Ill model an example; 2- stand up, walk around the class and find someone who has the same answer, demo one example 3- ask some Ss to write the complete sentence on WB.

pre-teach the vocabulary (4-6 minutes) • To pre-teach the difficult vocabulary they will come across while reading

1- write the words one by one on board. 2- elicit tuk-tuk (refer to picture on HO) a small taxi, model and drill the stress (first) 3- Thailand, a country, model and drill the stress (first) 4- a journey, get my backpack: I'm going on a journey,I am travelling to Thailand. model and drill the stress: first syllable. 5- raise money for charity. show them a photo of a famous charity in Turkey (I asked a Turkish freiand, she said it's Kizilay). grab a bill, pretend giving it to the charity. model and drill the phrase, stress on charity.

Reading for Gist (6-8 minutes) • to practice reading for the main idea (skimmimg)

1- Ill chest the text. 2- Ss are given two headings and asked to find the one suitable for the two parts of the text: show them the headings: "which one goes with this?" show them what to do. 3- check in pairs 4- WC feedback

Reading for detail (scanning) (5-7 minutes) • to practice reading for details through a compeletion exercise

1- Ill chest the HO of reading again. ask Ss to read the text again. 2- give them questions about reading (exercise 4, page 71, F2F Starter Student's book) 3- answer in pairs. check with some members of other pairs. 4- WC FB

semi-controlled post-reading speaking practice (3-5 minutes) • to have a freer practice on the topic they have just read

1- Ill write this question on WB: which countries did you travel to? answer myself, I travelled to Italy. did you travel by plane? by train? 2- walk around the class and ask each other the questions.

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