Rania Navarro Rania Navarro

TP 8 - Grammar
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be introduced to passive and active voice in the context of talking about generations.


Abc Presentation
Abc Intensive task
Abc Speak Out Intermediate Student Book
Abc CP task
Abc FP task - slide for Ss

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide clarification and practice of passive and active voice in the context of talking about generations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To introduce active and passive voice in the context of talking about generations.
  • To provide controlled and free writing practice of target language


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T displays slide with images on screen. T: What do we call these groups of people? A: Generations T: Write in the chat what generation do you belong to. T elicits Ss to discuss: 'Do you think that one generation is better than the others? Why?'

Exposure (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1) Gist task (4 min) T displays task on screen T : "Read the paragraph and decide which title suits it best" Ss do the task. T provides OCFB by nominating Ss to share their answers and displaying correct answers on the screen: AK: 3 'New generations, new names' 2) Intensive task T displays task on screen. "Match the sentences to the generation they belong to" T sends link to the task Ss do the task T conducts OCFB by providing correct answers to Ss using their submitted answers on G-forms.

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T clarifies MFP: MEANING T asks Ss to identify the main verbs in MS. T asks Ss to identify which sentences don't say who did the action. T explains Ss that these are written in passive voice. CCQ1: When we use passive voice, do we emphasize the action or the thing or person that does the action? A: The action. CCQ2: When we use active voice, do we emphasize the action or the thing or person that does the action? A: The thing or person that does the action (the doer) CCQ3: When using passive voice, do we need to say who or what the doer is? A: No. We can omit it. CCQ4: Is passive voice used for formal or informal writing? A: it’s usually used for formal writing. CCQ5: Can it be used for speaking too? A: Yes, but it’s less common. FORM T clarifies form. FCQ1: In these sentences, is the verb to be the main verb or an auxiliary verb? A: An auxiliary verb. FCQ2: What do we use the auxiliary verb for? A: We use it to ‘help’ other verbs form verb phrases. FCQ3: What tense is the main verb (present simple, past simple, past participle, etc)? A: Past participle FCQ4: Does the main verb always have to be in past participle? A: Yes active vs passive voice T asks Ss to identifya and compare the subject and the object of the sentences. T has Ss analyse and idenity the tenses of the verbs in each sentence. FCQ5: When transforming a sentence from active to passive voice, do the subject and the object remain the same or do they change? A: They change. The subject and the object in the active sentence becomes the object and subject respectively in the passive sentence, and viceversa. FCQ6: When transforming a passive sentence into an active sentence, how do we know which tense to use on the main verb? A: By looking at the auxiliary verb (verb to be). If the aux verb in the passive sentence is in past simple, then the main verb in the active sentence has to be in past simple as well. PRON T asks Ss to analyse sentence stress. T uses audio to model correct pronunciation. T drills correct pronunciation. T explains weak forms of verbs to Ss. T explains the use schwa and why we use weak forms. T: we schwa is a sound that native English Speakers use in unstressed syllables.The sound requires a relaxed jaw and tongue

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T displays task on screen. "Rewrite these sentences into passive voice. Two of these do not need to be changed." T sends link to activity. T: You have 3 min, Ss do the task. T elicits answers from Ss and provides them with the correct answers.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T displays task on screen. T:'In groups, Write at least 3 sentences using passive voice to describe events, traits or things that characterise a generation.' T sends link with activity T: You have 5 min. T send Ss to BORs T gets Ss back into the main room. T displays Ss answers on screen.

Feedback (5 minutes) • To privide feedback on content and language of freer practice

T conducts OCFB on content by asking Ss: Is there an event or characteristic from any generation other than yourself's that you would have liked to experience?? T conducts OCFB on language by displaying some of the language used during the task. T corrects language if needed and praises good use of language. T ends the lesson

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