Elementary level

Main Aims
To develop listening for detailed information in the context of places in a town /the country.By the way the students will be familiar with the sentence stress patterns at the end.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide new vocabulary based on the context of Places in a town/the country.
Procedure (38-49 minutes)
-Start your lesson by showing a picture to the students and ask them what do they see. *What do you see in the picture? -the sea,forest,homes,ships,maybe hotels ets. *Do you like the picture? *Do you like sea and swimming? *What is your favourite holiday place ? -Marmaris,Antalya etc.
-T asks to sts work in groups of 3. -T chests the words and asks the students to tick the words they know. -T hands out the words to each group. -T asks ICQs- -are we working as groups? -are we ticking the words we know ? -After,T makes sure that the sts check the meanings of the words or peer-check ,she hands out the pictures. -T gives the students 3 minutes and sts match the pictures with the words again T asks ICQ.-are we matching? -T mixes the groups and they peer-check. -T monitors around the classroom and elicits the answers.
-T sticks the 3 photos on WB.( Istanbul,Assos,Erzincan Kemaliye Village). -T ask sts which one is a big city ,a small town,a village. Elicit: a big city(İstanbul).a small town(Assos),and a village(Erzincan,Kemaliye Kozlupınar Köyü). -T elicit these words and write them under each picture. To make sure T pre-teaches vocab.A big city,A small town,and a village. -Elicit the things from photos. (Istanbul:the sea,flats,a bridge) (Kemaliye:small houses ,mountains) (Assos:,houses,a cafe,roads) After learning what is a big city,a small town and a village. -T checks the pronounciation of Auckland,Keswick,Eyeries)
-T reminds the sts what sentence stress is by writing one sentence to the WB(There is a beautiful lake near the town). -T asks them to tell you which words are stressed.(beautiful,lake,town) .-T answers as 'because they're the important words that carry meaning'. -Ask sts to give you 3 examples from nouns ,verbs and adjectives to check they remember these terms and T elicit and write answers under three columns on WB.(Nouns:lake,hotel,beach) (Adj:beautiful,nice,cheap) (Verbs:am,is,are) -Tsays,We will listen a record from 3 conversation about the places in the photos. -T has the students notice the stressed words. -T plays the recording 5.1.Sts listen and read ,noticing the stressed words. -T tells ,the'verb be' doesn't have stress but nouns,adjectives and negatives all carry important info.and are usually stressed. -T makes sure about the sts understanding.
-T puts the sts in pairs and says that they will listen three conversations. -T shows 3 photos and have the sts match them with the sentences in ex.4 to understand which person talks. T ask ICQs and CCQs -Are we listening 3 conversation from A-C? .Are we matching pictures with conversations? -How many conversations are there? 3 -T asks sts work in pairs and look at the sentences 1-9 again and Are they about Auckland,Keswick or Eyeries? -Sts listen again and match every three sentences with each one of the three pictures. -T elicits the answers and give fb if necessary.
-Students work in groups and discuss which place(Auckland,Keswick,Eyeries)the would like to visit. -T asks ICQs; Are you working as a group? Are you choosing a place ? -T encourages sts to give reasons why they chose that place by using vocabulary from 1a or their own ideas. -T monitors the groups and correct them if necessary. -T ask students to share answers w/ the class,again giving reasons for their choices.(they may note their ideas before speaking). -As group,find out which place is more popular -Elicit the ideas.