LP8 - Luis Jasso
Intermediate level


This will be a grammar intermediate lesson where we will work with past simple and past perfect. Students will be exposed to the language through a listening text where someone, through questions, is trying to solve a puzzle. After clarifying MFPA, students will practice the language freely by trying to solve a puzzle themselves.


Abc NCEI Student’s Book
Abc Google Jamboard
Abc Controlled practice form
Abc Free practice A
Abc Free practice B

Main Aims

  • To provide students an opportunity to contrast past simple with past perfect and practice using it in speaking for the purpose of solving puzzling situations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with an opportunity to practice listening for gist based off of predictions and listening for specific information to spot different instances of grammatical structures.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Share screen on Jamboard Explain: Here is a picture, and underneath it, a short text. Read the text so we can discuss what you think happened. Allow Ss ~30secs to read, then nominate students to guess what they think happened, collect their answers on sticky notes.

Exposure (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Explain to students: We will now listen to some people asking questions to find the solution to this story. Listen, and make note of which of your predictions is closest to what actually happened. Play audio for students (1min 30secs) (Solution: someone had built a snowman and used the coals for eyes and mouth, carrot for nose, and the scarf, then the snow melted and the items ended up on the floor.) Have Ss say which answer is the closest, then, if none of them were close, have them say the correct answer and write it on the board. Next, present the next slide containing two sentences: "In the middle of some grass lay a carrot, a scarf and some coal. No one had put them on the grass". Ask: In these sentences, which verb is in the Past simple, and which is in the Past perfect? (Lay - past simple had put - past perfect) Nominate students if necessary to elicit answer, then underline past simple and circle past perfect. Move on to next slide Explain: Here is the transcript for the conversation we just heard. I want you to underline all verbs in past simple you find, and circle all verbs in past perfect you find. Use the jamboard tools for that. You have 2 minutes. ICQ: What two tenses are you looking for? (past simple & past perfect) Which one do you underline? (past simple) Which one do you circle? (past perfect) How long do you have? (2 minutes) Send link to Jamboard, allow for Ss to open activity and work on it. OCFB, help students with any missing verbs.

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: Move on to slide 4 with Meaning ex. Nominate student to read instruction: "Cross out the wrong explanation for the Past Perfect." ("It describes actions that happened a long time ago." should be crossed out) Go back to slide 2, ask students: "Which tense shows which events happened first? Past simple or Past Perfect? (Past perfect.) CCQs: Are both actions in the past? (yes) Do they both happen at the same time? (no, one is before) Which one happens before? (someone building the snowman=past perfect) Can we use the past simple by itself? (Yes, most of the time) Can we do the same with past perfect? (Not really) Do we need another past event to link the past perfect to? (Yes) Form: Still on slide 2. Ask Ss: How is past perfect different from past simple, in its construction? (We use auxiliary "had" and the verb in participle instead of past simple) Go to slide 3 Ask Ss: We just looked at the positive form of past perfect. What are the other two forms? (negative and question) Instruct students: What are some examples of the three in this text? Have Ss answer, help them identify any missing ones. Afterwards, share slide 5 with table for the construction of past perfect. (same as in TLAS). Pronunciation: Share slide 6 Nominate a student to read instructions. Tell Ss to use sticky notes. ICQs What do you write if you hear past perfect? (PP) What do you write if you hear past simple? (PS) What do you use to write your answer? (Sticky notes) Go through ex. Last 4 sentences. Sec. 30 on recording. Make sure Ss say contractions well, drill as necessary.

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Share screen on G Forms ex Nominate student to read instructions Do number one with students (She spoke French well because she had lived in Paris as a child.) Explain they will work in pairs in BOR. (3 mins) Send link to students, allow them to open ex, then open BOR. OCBF, go through their answers in g forms submissions, feedback as appropriate. 2. I had left my umbrella at home so I got very wet. 3. There was no food in the house because I had forgotten to go to the supermarket. 4. My grandparents had never flown before so they were nervous when they got on the plane.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Explain: You will now solve a puzzle similar to the one we heard in the beginning of the lesson. You will have the context for a puzzle, and the solution to another. Ask questions to try and get the solution, and answer your partner's questions so they solve the other one. Remind students to check back on the class' jamboard to help them construct their questions or replies. Create BORs, send link to a jamboard with one puzzle and one solution to one student in each BOR, and link to jamboard with the other set of puzzle/solution to the other student. Send Ss to BOR, monitor to aid students struggling, take notes for OCFB. (Issues with past perfect construction or vocabulary usage.)

Delayed error correction (3-4 minutes) • To provide feedback to students on correct language or correct mistakes/reformulate phrases

Go through mistakes/reformulations based on notes from previous section. Highlight correct usage of past perfect.

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