Ana Ana

TP2 - Listening
Upper-intermediate level


A listening lesson about achievements.


Abc New Cutting-Edge UPPER-INTERMEDIATE (Cunningham & Moor, Longman 2005) Module 5 p. 56, 57 SB.
Abc My own Canva slides

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, the students will be better able to practice listening for gist and detail in the context of achievements.

Subsidiary Aims

  • 1) Ss will learn/review some new vocabulary from the listening text.
  • 2) Ss will develop their fluency skills through talking about different achievements.


Warmer/Lead-in (4 minutes) • To introduce and generate interest in the topic

Set-up • Show Slide 1 & elicit 'achievements'. Show Slide 2 & elicit 'success' & 'goals'. Show Slide 3 & ask "What achievement are you most proud of in your life?" T models the question first. OCFB. Task • Ss answer the question open-class. Feedback • T nominates 2 or 3 Ss to give their answers Transition • "Now we're going to listen to people talking about amazing achievements."

Gist task (6 minutes) • To provide a task where Ss do not need to understand every word; to lead them into the general theme of the listening text

Set-up • T plays the audio of people talking about achievements and displays the gist question on screen: "What is the main achievement each person talks about?" + options. T asks for any questions about the question. Refer students to HO1 (transcript) & show on screen. Set time limit of 3 minutes. Task • Ss listen to the audio, thinking about the gist question. Feedback • OCFB. T nominates a student if no volunteers. Transition • "Now let's look at some vocabulary from the audio before you listen again in more detail."

Pre-teach Vocabulary (5 minutes) • To remove potential blocking words from the text to help Ss complete subsequent tasks

Set-up • T displays phrases from the audio (e.g., 'overcome challenges,' 'pioneering work,' 'remarkable feat') and asks the class if they know their meanings. Task • Ss give or receive meanings of the phrases. Feedback • T elicits the meanings and confirms or conveys meaning accordingly. Then asks some CCQs to check the meaning if necessary. Transition • "Now we're going to listen to the audio again and answer some questions about it."

Detailed task (4 minutes) • To provide a task where Ss need to read for more specific information

Set-up • T highlights the task and tells students they'll be answering questions about the audio [T shows questions on screen]. T asks students to quickly read the questions and asks if they have any questions about the words. T then does the first one together OC. Students then complete HO1 alone. "You have 6 minutes." • Task • Ss do the task. T gives Ss a one-minute countdown. Feedback • Check answers in pairs (3 minutes). T puts students into breakout rooms. • Afterwards, OCFB. T shows answers on the screen. Any Qs about the answers? T clarifies any questions that arise. Transition • “Now before we move on, let's finish discussing the audio.”

Follow-up task and DEC (14-17 minutes) • To provide a productive task in which Ss can speak about the topic of the lesson freely, and to provide feedback on some of the language they used

Set-up • Tell students they'll be discussing which achievement from the audio impressed them the most and why. • Split the class into 2 groups. Students discuss in groups. T monitors to check students are on-task and to offer any ideas if they are struggling. T reminds them to take notes. Set T/L of 5 mins, ask ICQs, and put the 2 groups into break-out rooms. Task • Students discuss in groups. T monitors to check students are on-task and to offer any ideas if they are struggling. T reminds them to take notes. Feedback • Bring the groups back together and ask the two groups to share their opinions. • * Time permitting, show on the board some errors that were made and ask students to correct them. Point out 1 or 2 good items to share with the class too.

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