Ana Lucia Alvarado Ana Lucia Alvarado

TP7- Professional Profile
Elementary level


Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of writing a short professional profile in the context of a job resume.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To engage students in critical thinking about skills and information relevant to professional profiles. To practice identifying and using formal language in a professional context. To encourage collaboration and communication skills through peer feedback


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Description: In this stage, students will be introduced to the topic of professional profiles and resumes through a lead-in activity involving images of skills relevant to various professions. This aims to engage students in thinking about skills required for different professions and eliciting their understanding of elements to include in a resume. Instructions: -Show students images of skills relevant to different professions. -Engage students in discussion about the importance of these skills in a professional setting. -Elicit from students other elements they think are important to include in a resume. CCQ'S What do you think these pictures represent? (Skills) Where do you think there skills are necessary for? (Job) Can you think of other things you want to share when you are trying to find a new job? (Experience, Education)

Text analysis (8-10 minutes) • To analyze the layout and language of a professional profile

Description: Students will analyze a sample professional profile of a chef to identify its layout and language components. This involves identifying different sections of a professional profile and distinguishing between formal and informal language used in resumes. Instructions: a) Layout: Provide students with a sample resume and ask them to identify its different sections (As a group). Prompt students to match each section to its correct placement on the resume. They will do it first and then I will help by discussing each answer and make sure its correct. b) Language: Present examples of formal and informal language typically used in resumes. Present Quiz in Google forms 10 questions (Individual activity). Ask students to identify whether each sentence is formal or informal and which sections the sentences belongs to. CCQ's Should we match each part to its place in the resume? (Yes) Looking at the profile, what type of information do we include in the Experience section? (Previous and our actual Job) Should we use formal language in a resume? (Yes) Do we need to use slang in a resume? (No) Are there sentences that sound like talking to a friend? (No)

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To apply knowledge of layout and language in writing a personal profile.

Description: Students will apply their knowledge of layout and language by writing their own professional profile. They will use the language and format guidelines discussed earlier, with the option to refer to a vocabulary list for additional support. Instructions: Instruct students to create their own professional profile using the provided template and guidelines. Encourage students to use appropriate language and include all necessary sections. Remind students to refer to the vocabulary list if needed. Allocate 20 minutes for this writing activity. CCQ's Are we going to write our own profile? (Yes) Should we use the language we learned earlier? (Yes) Can we refer to the vocabulary list if we need help? (Yes)

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Description: In this stage, students will provide peer feedback on each other's professional profiles using a checklist. This aims to reinforce understanding of the elements of a professional profile and practice giving and receiving constructive feedback. Instructions: Pair students up and have them exchange profiles. Provide each pair with a checklist to evaluate their partner's profile. Encourage students to discuss any areas of improvement with their partner. (If enough time) Allocate 8 minutes for this feedback activity. CCQ's Are we going to read our partner's writing? (Yes) Should we check if all sections are there? (Yes)

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