Rania Navarro Rania Navarro

TP 7 - Speaking
Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss will be introduced and provided with speaking practice of phrases used to talk about indispensable items.


Abc Presentation
Abc Intensive task
Abc Speaking task - slide for Ss
Abc ‘New Cutting Edge Intermediate Students Book’,

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of speaking for fluency in the context of indispensable items.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice and clarification of phrases used to introduce and describe indispensable items.
  • To provide Ss with free practice to talk about indispensable items


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T displays slide with images on screen. T: Name the objects in the pictures. T elicits Ss to name the objects. T: 'What do you think these objects might have in common? What's their significance? T elicits Ss ro brainstorm what significance could these object have. T writes down Ss ideas in the chat.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

1) Gist task (4 min) T displays task on screen T : "Listen to the audios and match the image to the audio that describes it" T plays audio. S do the task. T provides OCFB by nominating Ss to share their answers and displaying correct answers on the screen: 1= mobile phone 2= alarm clock 3= guitar 4=computer. 2) Intensive task T displays task on screen. "Tick the phrases used in each audio. Some phrases can be used in more than one audio" T sends link to the task T plays audios Ss do the task T conducts OCFB by providing correct answers to Ss using their submitted answers on G-forms.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To clarify MFP(A) of language used to talk about indispensable items for coming productive tasks

MEANING T displays grid on screen and elicits Ss to categorise the phrases ffrom the intensive task in it: a) introducing objects I couldn’t live without my ... One thing I'd hate to be without is ... b) describing objects It was given to me by ... I've had it for ... It's (old/new/battery operated/small/big/etc...) c) saying why it's important It's really important to me because... It's got (purely) sentimental value I'd be really lost without it. CCQs: Q1: Which of these phrases are used to introduce valuable items? A: I couldn’t live without my ... One thing I'd hate to be without Q2: Which of these phrases are used to describe valuable items? A: It was given to me by ... I've had it for ... It's (old/new/battery operated/small/big/etc...) Q3: Which of these phrases are used to say why is this valuable item important? A: It's really important to me because... It's got (purely) sentimental value. I'd be really lost without it. Q4: When we say ‘I'd be really lost without it’ would we actually be lost? A: No, it just means that it makes our lives easier and feel more in control. Q5: Are these phrases informal, formal or neutral? A: Because we don’t have much context of who they’re talking too, I would say they’re informal based on the use of contractions and simple words. FORM T displays form clarification on screen: Q1: What are these phrases followed by? A: The name of the object (noun) Q2: What comes after ‘it was given to me by...’? A: The person who gave it to you (pronoun) Q3: What comes after ‘I’ve had it for...’? A: The amount of time we’ve had the object Q4: What type of words are used to describe the object? A: Adjectives and adverbs. Q5: What comes after ‘it’s really important to me because...’? A: The reason why we value the object. PRONUNCIATION 1)Sentence Stress T Explains Ss that we stress the words that carry the most information (content words) 2) Linking words T explains Ss that sometimes we link the end of a word to the beginning of another. T Uses IPA to help students visualize the linking words. T plays recorded audio model for correct pronunciation and elicits answers from Ss. T drills correct pronunciation.

Productive Task(s) (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to prepare and practice target productive skills

T displays task on screen T explains Ss that they will now present an item that's indispensable/valuable for them. T: You have 3-4 minutes to take notes about your item. Ss write down notes about their item. T: Now you will present you item to your partner you have 4- 5 min each to talk about your item. T sends link to slide with task. T sends Ss to BORs Ss do the task (10 min) while T monitors and notes down any language that could be used for DEC.

Feedback and Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T conducts OCFB on content by asking Ss: What item was the most interesting and why? T conducts OCFB on language by displaying some of the language used during the task. T corrects language if needed and praises good use of language. T ends the lesson

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