Griselda Guzman Griselda Guzman

Elementary level


Abc Face 2 Face Elementary Student's Book

Main Aims

  • To present and practice can/can't and could/couldn't in the context of changing technology.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking fluency practice with the target language.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Screen share with students and show them a picture of my first phone and tell them it was my first phone at the age of 15. 15 years ago. Then, I'll share a picture of my current phone. Then, ask students to describe their first mobile phone or first computer. What did it look like? What could it do? Can it do that now? Transition into the presentation of the text by saying, "Now, we're going to look at another technology that has changed over the years"

Exposure/ Presentation Through the Text (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. Gist- Share pdf file of the article of page 50 of the text book so Ss have it in front of them. Ask students to take a minute to read the article. Then, share link to google forms. Ask students to think about the best heading for each paragraph. Ss have 1 minute to decide on the best heading for each of the two paragraphs. After submitting answers, we'll check their answers in the response tool of google forms. Answers : 1. B. Life Has Changed with New Technology 2. A. Watching TV in the Seventies 2. Intensive- get target language I'll share my screen with students for them to see the target language. They will see a picture of the article and the two paragraphs again. This time they will see the negative phrases in pink and the affirmative phrases in blue.

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning and form: screen share google slides with class Use exercise 4a to present the meaning and form of the word. Ask Students which is present and past. Ask students to guess which words goes in the blank. Rules: We use can+infinative to say that something is possible in the present. Example sentences: You can choose from hundreds of TV channels. You can watch TV programs online. We use could+ infinitive to say that something was possible in the past. Example sentences: In the seventies you could only get three channels. I could watch all my favorite programs in color! The negative of can is can't (=cannot) My son and daughter can't understand how people lived without them. I can't explain this to my kids. The negative of could is couldn't (=could not) You couldn't record TV programmes. You couldn't watch TV all night. Pronunciation Use track 20 from CD2. Screen share the g-slide with sentence examples of how we can say can and can't. Ask students to listen to audio while looking at the sentences on the shared screen. Ask students to repeat after me.

Controlled Practice (3-4 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Use 5 sentences in exercise 7a to let the class have some controlled practice. Share link to google forms. Remind students that there is a (+) and (-) beside the blank to help them pick if the answer is positive or negative. Allow students 2 minutes to complete the quiz. Answers are: 1. Motorola launched the first mobile phone in 1983, but you _______ (+) only use it in a car because it needed a big battery. B. Could 2. A few years later you _______ (+) buy a mobile that you ______ (+) take to work-- but it was in a suitcase! A. could, could 3. These days most people _______ (-) leave home without their mobile. A. can't 4. You _____ (+) use your phone to go online, make video calls and find your way with GPS. B. Can 5. You _____ (+) also download apps, watch TV programmes or play games. B. Can Talk about the responses with students.

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1. Use exercise 8a for this through google slides. Share google slides link with students. Then share screen google slides. Tell Ss to write four sentences using could and couldn't about their first mobile phone. I have given them a small "phrase bank" to get think thinking about what to write the sentence about. I will share my too sentences and then tell students they have 2 minutes to write the sentences. 2. after 2 minutes, I will pair students up in break rooms and ask them to compare their sentences and to ask each other if any of their sentences were the same. I'll let students know they have 3 minutes to do this. 3. After 3 minutes of working in pairs I will share some DEC I noticed when they wrote their sentences or when they spoke to their partner.

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