LP7 - Luis Jasso
Intermediate level


This is a writing lesson in which students will write a leaflet for their favorite restaurant, trying to persuade family or friends to visit.


Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of writing a short leaflet to promote a place they like, in this case, a restaurant.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with vocabulary for describing food and practice using it in the context of restaurant food.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show students picture of restaurant, ask: -What is this? After students answer, ask: -Do you like eating at restaurants? Most likely students will say yes, in which case ask -What is your favorite restaurant? Why? Write some of their answers on the board In case students say they don't like eating at restaurants, ask why and collect answers on the board.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Let Ss know we will read a leaflet now, though it's missing its Headline share screen with students on google forms ex Instruct Ss to read, then select the correct headline ask: -Do you have to write a headline? (no) -Do you select the correct headline before reading? (no, after) Give students 2 minutes to read and select Headline Share results with Ss, let them know option 1 is the correct one. Let Ss know we will now focus on some parts of the leaflet Share screen on Google jamboard, explain sticky notes have the names for the different parts of the text Instruct Ss to drag sticky notes next to the section they correspond to ask: -do you have to write anything? (no) -What do you have to drag? (the sticky notes) Allow 2 minutes for students to go through exercise Afterwards, show students where the sticky notes should go to provide correct answers. (model on TLAS) Finally, explain to Ss we will focus on some features of the parts of the leaflets. Share screen on exercise, explain they have to tick the boxes for each characteristic the different sections have. Let Ss know some sections can have more than one box ticked, and must have at least one. Explain Ss they will do this in pairs in BORs, they will have 4 minutes. ask: -How many boxes should you tick for each section? (at least one, can be more) -Will you work alone? (no, in pairs) -how long do you have? (4 minutes) After returning from BORs, go through Ss' submitted answers, then fill in form with Ss to show correct answers. (Model in TLAS)

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Afterwards, share screen on completed leaflet. Ask: -Why do you think leaflets can be so concise but also very descriptive? (they use a lot of adjectives/descriptive language) Instruct Ss to use Zoom annotation tools to highlight all adjectives and descriptive phrases they can find on the leaflet. -Genuine -In the Heart of -Mouth-watering -Authentic -Fast -Directly from... -The best... -Rich -Savoury Once they have found most, highlight any missing ones with Zoom tools as well After, ask: What are some other useful adjectives/phrases you could use to talk about your favourite restaurants? Collect good answers students come up with on Google Jamboard, then provide them with some words they might be missing. For each word, have Ss come up with an example (e.g. Cozy atmosphere) Point out how this adjective + noun structure is very useful for bulleted USPs. Words to describe food: -savoury -sweet -rich -filling -mild -spicy Words to describe restaurants/dishes: -Genuine -mouth-watering -Outdoor -Popular -Cozy

Productive Task(s) (12-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Explain Ss will now write their own leaflet about their favourite restaurant First, nominate Ss to ask what their favourite restaurants are Once they have all thought about a restaurant, explain they will fill in a template Explain to Ss they should think of 3 unique selling points about the restaurant to point out, and some basic information about it. Allow Ss to take quick notes, then share screen on Slide containing template, demonstrate to Ss how to edit text on slide Let Ss know they will have 10 mins max to write their leaflet Remind Ss they have the useful adjectives on the jamboard we just worked on ask: -Do you have to make your leaflet from scratch? (no) -What does your leaflet have to be about? (favourite restaurant) -How long do you have to work on your leaflet? (10 minutes) Send link to Ss, allow them to go though activity.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

After students are finished writing their leaflet, let them know they will look at a partner's leaflet and give some feedback on it. Share screen on checklist and show students how to fill it in. Assign pairs Send link to Ss, have them fill it in quickly. Afterwards, send Ss to BORs to give feedback based on checklist After BORs, give feedback on correct adjective usage and conciseness of language.

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