Griselda Guzman Griselda Guzman

Language Systems Lesson
Elementary level


Abc Face to Face Elementary Students Book

Main Aims

  • To present and practice adjectives with "very", "really", "quite" and "too".

Subsidiary Aims

  • To develop speaking fluency related to the new vocabulary


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

To raise students interest on the topic on my lesson I am going to share a personal anecdote about a time I won a bad prize at a baby shower. First I will share my screen with students and then orally share my personal anecdote. Personal Anecdote: One time at a baby shower, I participated in a baby food eating game. I noticed the winners from the previous games had won nice prizes like a lotion and a small perfume so this encouraged me to participate. So, I volunteered to eat baby food. We were spoon fed the baby food and the lady that finished first, won the game. Surprisingly, I won! But I was very disappointed in the prize I received. My reward was a purple candle. As I tell the story, I will uncover the two pictures in the google slide that I screen share with the students. Then, I will ask the students if they have every received a prize they did not want or like.

Exposure Text-work- gist-intensive-get TL (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. Use the text about Sally as the text to introduce the use of modifiers. Share google forms with students about choosing the best headline for the short article. 2. Give students 2 min to complete the quiz on the best headline individually and get students to submit responses before have open class feedback. 3. Intensive - Share google slides link with students and ask them to underline examples of adjectives and circle the adverbs. Students have to drag red line to underline the adjectives and drag circle to the adverbs. Students will have 3 minutes to complete this activity individually on their personal google slide. I will let students know there are 12 adjectives and 10 adverbs. I will monitor students as they work on finding the adverbs and adjectives. Once time is up, I will go over any adverbs or adjectives that the students didn't get to. Answers for adjectives: 1. lucky 2. excited 3. awful 4. poor 5. small 6. noisy 7. cold 8. bored 9. dirty 10. awful 11.young 12. friendly 13. friendly 14. terrible Answers for adverbs : 1. very 2. really 3. really 4. very 5. quite 6. too 7. really 8. quite 9. early 10. very 11. too

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

I will us exercise 4a from the text book to cover Meaning and exercise 4b to cover form. 1. I'll ask students which word in bold means 'more than you want'? I'll ask which hat size is more then the girl wants? The correct answer is the 3rd picture. Then I'll share the bottom statement on that slide and mention that, "too" often has a negative meaning. 2. Then, I will ask students what the rule is for properly using these words. *The rule says that very, really, quite and too come after the verb be and before adjectives. I'll share two example sentences and ask the students that show "really" coming after the verb be and "quite" coming before the adjective. Lastly, I'll ask students what they think the form of the word is.

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

For this stage I'll share the link to a google forms quiz so students can have more practice using the language. I'll let students know they have 2 minutes to select the best answer individually. After submitting responses we will use the response tool on the google forms to talk about answers.

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will use the activities 7a and 7b from the course book. I will share the google slides link with students in case they lost it and have them work on their own slide. The exercise is for students to think about a place near them. Then decide if the place is "too expensive or quite cheep". Students will take 2 minutes to write the name of the place the statement describes. Then, I will let the students work in pairs in the BOR's for 4 minutes. Then, we will have open class feedback about any sentences or statements mentioned that can be corrected.

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