Abdullah Abdullah

Copy of TP #3a
A1 level


In this lesson students will learn how to order food and drink in a cafe by practicing listening and speaking skills.


Abc Cafe props
Abc Audio CD Track 3.15

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson students will be able to make a conversation in a cafe

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a role play in the context of ordering food and drink
  • To provide scan listening practice in the context of ordering food and drink


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • to review the previous lesson

- Before T starts the lesson, makes sure if the classroom set up appropriately - T gives out the menus and and asks about items in it using the question 'How much is a __?' - T shows the pictures and elicit the words from students. - After T finishes reviewing, tells them to put the menus down.

Pre-listening (3-4 minutes) • to set the context of the scan listening

- T shows the photos where both customer and assistant are and asks 'What's this?; Where is it? What can you see?' Next teacher shows the pictures only with assistants and customer, and teaches the words 'assistant' and 'customer' T elicits the words 'customers and assistants'.

Scan listening (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging listening

- T draws the chart on the board and demos the listening task: sts have to listen to 2 customers and find out what they want to eat. - T will have SS listen to the first dialog and elicits the first food Customer 1 ordered and writes in the chart which is on the WB. - Then T gives the Listening charts to the sts and have them do the rest in column A. - After they finish listening, T lets them do peerchecking. - After a while, invites several sts to write the answers on the WB. The answers: Customer 1 - 2 cappuccinos and a crossant Customer 2 - an espresso and an egg sandwich

Detailed listening (4-5 minutes) • to provide students with more challenging detailed listening

- T demos the task on the WB: adds one more column to the chart and explains that sts have to listen again to find out how much each customer spend. - T tells them to unfold the chart, so they can use the column B. - Sts will have to listen again and write the total price for each customer. - T asks 2 students to write in the correct answer. The answers: Customer 1 - 5 pounds 85, Customer 2 - 3 pounds 75;

Controlled Speaking (9-10 minutes) • To encourage the students to notice the TL

- T demonstrates the dialog by pretending that she's an assistant. And T tells the students that they are customers. T uses cafe props for making an appropriate environment. *Before starting the demo, T writes the clues: Teacher: Can ___ _______ _____? Student: Yes, __________ , please. (any possible answer) Teacher: ____________ else? Student: No, _________. How much _____ _______? Teacher: __________ 2 dollars. Thanks - Looking at the clues and showing the menu T starts dialog with several students, so sts could listen TL carefully and several times. - After T will have several sts start the dialog. - T drills the dialog. - Sts do a pair work. - T goes over any problems.

Semi-controlled speaking (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging speaking practice

- Now T will have one student start the dialog and when a students ask T 'Anything else?', T needs to answer 'Yes, a cheese and tomato sandwich, please.' - After T and the student finish the dialog, T puts '*Yes, __________, please.' near 'No, _____.' - T does drilling. - T will have 2 students demo for the class with 'Yes' version. - T will have other 2 students demo with 'No' version. - When T feels that students are ready for speaking, erases some words in the clues, to make a bit harder for students to practice. - T divides the class into As, Bs, and Cs. - T tells them that she has a cafe 'Beyoglu', and she's the adminstrator of the cafe. As are her assistants and gives out the badges for them to fill in their names. - T tells that Bs and Cs are customers, so they are hungry and want to eat in our cafe. - Tells Bs and Cs to go out of the class. - When Bs and Cs go out, T gives to assistants '2 order pads', so each assistant need to talk to at least 1 or 2 customers. - After they finish the role play, Bs are assitants and As, Cs are customers. - After Bs finish, Cs are assistants and As, Bs are customers. - T goes over any problems. - And T gives out the worksheets to fill in the 2 dialogs. - Sts do peerchecking. - WC FB by asking 2 sts to read the dialog for the class.

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