Abdullah Abdullah

Copy of TP #3b
A1 Beginner level


İn this lesson students learn about functional language in a cafe with listening and speaking as sub-skills. The students will elicit from pictures the TL. Then they will listen to recordings of the the TL in use and answer questions on what they heard. After that there will be a controlled speaking activity where students will practice the TL followed by a freer role-play activity.


Abc Menu
Abc Cafe Recording
Abc Menu

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for ordering food and drink in the context of a cafe setting

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a ordering food and drink in the context of a cafe setting
  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about ordering food and drink in the context of a cafe


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

On the OHP, show an image in a cafe. Ask "What does she do?" (pointing to waitress) Elicit response from Ss "Waitress/Waiter" or "She is a waitress" and ''assistant" Ask "And what about this person?" (pointing to customer) Elicit response from Ss " Customer" or "He's a customer" Ask more questions to activate schemata ''What are they doing?'' "Where are they?" "What are they talking about?" Write Ss' ideas on the board.

Exposure (7-9 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Show menu's to Ss and elicit it's function - "What is it?" It's a list of food/drink with prices- Menu" Tell Ss "I will play a recording" "There are 2 conversations" "Listen to the conversations" Demonstrate a 'tick' on WB "Put a tick beside the food or drinks you hear" ICQ- ''What are you going to hear?" "What are you going to do with the menu?" Hand out menus Play recording Monitor Peer- check- 2Cappucinos, 1Croissant / 1Espresso,1 Egg sandwich Tell Ss "Listen to the recording again"- "How much money does customer 1 spend? and how much money does customer 2 spend?" "Write your answers here." Example- Customer 1 = $___ Customer 2=$___ ICQ- "What will you write?" Play recording, Monitor, Peercheck Write on board

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Show pictures of the customer and assistant on OHP again Ask Ss "What does the assistant say to the customer?" Elicit.. "Can I help you?" - Drill -Write on WB- Show stress "What does the customer say to the assistant?" Elicit..."Two cappucinos please" Drill- Write on WB -Show stress Ask "Who speaks next?" Elicit...Assistant " Sure, anything else?" Drill - Write on WB-Show stress Elicit..."Yes a croissant, please" Drill, Write on WB- Show stress Elicit the negative.. "No, that's all, thanks"- Drill -Write on WB- Show stress Ask "What's next?" Elicit...Assistant says the price/ asks for money "Ok, that's 5.85, please"-Drill Write on WB- Show Stress Ask "Is the conversation finshed?" Elicit "thank you" ''thanks alot'' & "your welcome" Drill- Write on WB- Show Stress

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Disappearing dialogue. Leave the dialogue on WB Give the Ss a role as customer and assistant Students read their roles from the board. Switch roles. Gradually take away some words (do this 2-3 times) Monitor carefully. FB

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Listen to the recording again. "Listen to the music of the words" Play recording again stopping after each sentence. Ask Ss "Repeat" "What is "take away"?" "What is "eat in"?" Role- Play Put Ss in pairs. Give role of Assistant to one and Customer to another. Show menu Say "Customers, you choose something to eat or drink" Say "Assistant, you ask for the money from the customer" ICQ-" Hands up customers", "hands up assistants" "Customers, what do you have to do?" "Assistants what do you have to do?" Give menus to each student. Delayed FB Write sentences on the board Ask "What's wrong with these sentences?"

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