LP6 - Luis Jasso
Intermediate level


This is a functional language lesson about polite requests. Students will be exposed to the language through a listening text and then will work through several tasks to focus on MFPA. The lesson will finish with a role play to allow the students to use the language in a freer environment.


Abc NCEI Student’s Book

Main Aims

  • To introduce functional language for polite requests through a listening text and provide practice of it through exercises and role plays.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with listening for gist and specific information practice by listening to a recording of people making diverse polite requests


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show Ss two pictures, one of a tourist asking for information, and one of a person at a service desk. Ask Ss question on screen "what might they be asking for/about?" Collect a few answers and move on.

Gist listening task (4-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Let Ss know we will now work with a listening. Share screen on Google Forms exercise, explain to Ss they will hear four conversations, tell them to note down what each conversation is about. Play recording, then nominate Ss to collect answers.

Intensive listening task (5-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Tell Ss we will do another listening task, share screen on Google Jamboard exercise. Explain to students they have to write on sticky notes what they hear on the audio to fill in the blanks. Play the audio, allow Ss to fill in blanks, then nominate Ss to collect answers.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Tell Ss we will now work with some of the phrases from the listening. Share screen on meaning ex. (Google Jamboard) Explain to Ss they are to put the requests & replies under the correct heading. Explain they will work in BOR Send students to BOR, allow 2-3 mins for them to finish OCFB to give answers/feedback Now share screen on form exercise (Google Forms) Let students know phrases are scrambled, let them know they must reorder the words so that the sentences are correct. Send them to BOR in pairs, allow 2-3 mins to go through activity. Close BOR, OCFB. Make sure to highlight normal word order on indirect requests, rather than inverted word order as in questions. Lastly share screen on Google Jamboard for pron. ex. Ask students what they think the arrows mean. (indicate intonation) Ask students if they know why we use this intonation (it makes it seem like we're asking a question, so it's more polite) Highlight that this is for polite requests Elicit from students cases where they would use polite requests. (with strangers when visiting foreign countries, service desks, at work, etc.) Model correct intonation with students and practice making requests with the correct intonation.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Explain to students we will now practice making polite requests. Share screen on Google Forms ex. Explain they have to make requests from the prompts. Explain they will work in pairs. Send them to BOR, allow 5-6 mins for them to finish Close BORs, collect answers from Ss, provide answers

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Share screen on roleplay exercise, explain they will go through these roleplays in pairs send link to students to jamboard with roleplay cues Model roleplay quickly for students send to BORs, monitor students and collect info for DEC Close BORs

Delayed error correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback to students on correct language or correct mistakes/reformulate phrases

Work on whiteboard to provide students feedback on diverse issues that might have come up or highlight correct language usage.

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