Jonathan Urquilla Jonathan Urquilla

TP6 Functional language about uncertainty
B2-B1 level


Main Aims

  • To provide the learners with practice of functional language used to express uncertainty, particularly in scenarios such as participating in quizzes, where expressing uncertainty about answers or outcomes is common.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To offer the students with a chance to identfy by listening when they are asked about something, thereby improving their listening comprehension skills and ability to recognize key information in spoken discourse.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T presents the G-Presentation with the question "What are the most famous quiz shows in your country? Do you like them? " then "If you were participating, Would you feel sure or unsure?". T proceeds to answer first and then asks each S, then T acknowledges their answers after.

Text work (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through an audio

T continues by explaining to the Ss that they will now be listening to an audio of someone doing a quiz. T then shows the quiz on the G-Slide and tells them to take a good look at it, and that after listening to it they will type in the chat the questions the person got right. T then conrinues by sharing two more links in the chat and explains that one is the audio script and another is an activity they need to complete. T explains they have 1:30 min to answer. T then types the answers in the chat, and tells Ss to send their answers. T acknowledges their participation.

MFP (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T proceeds to show a jam board and explains to the Ss that they will be working together to type out phrases for the different scenarios in the BORs. T shows the examples that are available and then T sends Ss out to the BORs for 2 min to answer together. T quickly goes over what they wrote and then shares a link for another jam board. T asks Ss if they notice anything wrong with the jam board. T the presents G-Slides so the Ss can review form. T then shows the same 3 sentences, plays the audio where the speaker says those 3 and T elicits from the Ss where they notice a change of tone, then T elicits and then explains the linking and contraction. T acknowledges their participation.

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T shares screen with the next activity on G-Forms. T explains that they will have 2 min to complete the activity alone, then T shares link in the chat. T then brings everyone back to review it together and then tells everyone to send it in. T acknowledges the Ss effort.

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T shares G-slide with the last activity for the Ss. T explains that they will be doing two quizzes in pairs, so it will be one quiz for each other, T mentions that they will have 4 min to complete the activity so 2 min for each person to do a quiz. T then brings everyone back to ask how it went.

Feedback (3-4 minutes) • Offer the Ss corrections for any flawed language and acknowledgment for their good language

FInally T shows G-documents with 1-2 good uses of language and 1-2 incorrect usages of language and asks the Ss what they think. Then explains how they should be. If T notices no incorrect language but saw no use of the TL, T elicits from the Ss how they could say one of the phrases differently "I noticed that one S said this but what is another way to say this, from the examples we've seen today?". T acknowledges Ss effort and thanks them.

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