Gabriela Gabriela

Reading Family Castle
Young Learner A2 level


In this lesson students will


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Main Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about Family Castle in the context of buying a castle.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of words such as "a long time, a lot of space, bathrooms, family castle, grandparents, heating, large ground, online, nearest town, Manchester, toilet, winter" in the context of Family Castle


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T takes attendance T projects a picture of a castle and write the following question on the board "Would you like to live in a far away castle?" to create a class discussion.

Pre-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text with language preparation

T projects a list of words: •a long time •heating •large ground •online •nearest town •Manchester •toilet •weekly shopping T asks the Ss, which word could replace the word "toilet"

While-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

T hands out the reading worksheet T now asks Ss to look for the main idea of the text. T instructs ss "We're going to read an article about a family castle. You will have 3 minutes to get a general idea of the text." Brainstorm ideas, T writes them on the board relating to the topic of the reading. T gives them a further five minutes to organize their ideas and to form sentences. Then, T has them to get up and move around the room and share their ideas with other learners.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed reading task.

T instructs the SS “You’ll have 4 minutes to reread the article and choose the correct answer in the questions below.” T asks ICQ: What are we doing? (rereading the text and choosing the correct answer in the questions below) How much time do you have? (4 minutes) T explains the SS that they will have to check their answers with another classmate from the group. “Now, you’ll have 2 minutes to check and discuss your answers with one of your classmates." T displays answers on the screen.

Post-Reading (8-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T gets the SS attention. “Now, for our final task..” “We’re going to work in groups. You’ll have 5 minutes in your groups, discuss the following: Discuss the reasons why you would live in a castle? And why you wouldn't live in a castle. T asks ICQ: What are we doing? (answering those 2 questions). How much time do you have? (5 minutes) T monitors every group and take notes for the language feedback at the end. T nominates 1 SS of each group to share the ideas discussed in every group for Q1. T takes notes to find patterns or to summarize the ideas while the students share their comments. T nominates 1 SS of every group to share the ideas discussed feedback in every group for Q2. T takes notes to find patterns or to summarize the ideas while the students share their comments. T summarizes the ideas, “So in this group…” T provides the phrases collected during monitoring and asks the SS to improve/correct those phrases. T thanks the SS.

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