Gülsevin Kara Gülsevin Kara

Experimental Practice /Dictogloss
B1 level


In this lesson, students will practice using all four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing to complete a dictogloss activity within the context of a romantic story. The activities incorporated into this integrated skills lesson are designed to scaffold the process of reconstructing a text while encouraging students to develop their higher-level critical-thinking skills.


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Main Aims

  • To provide detailed listening and note-taking practice using a listening text about beach holiday in Belgium

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a group discussion in the context of beach holiday in Belgium
  • To provide product writing practice of a story in the context of beach holiday in Belgium


Preparation (10-12 minutes) • To set the lesson context, engage students, activate their schemata. To provide scaffolding for the subsequent language task of dictogloss

T asks Ss to work individually to complete the sentence "Love is…." with their own ideas. Then, working in groups, Ss compare their sentences and try to agree on a group definition. T asks each group to write their definition on padlet to share it with the rest of the class. Then, as a WC activity, Ss vote for the best/ the most romantic /most realistic definition of love. T then shows Ss the photograph of two sets of initials and a heart drawn in the sand and ask if anyone in the class has ever done something similar. T nominates different Ss for their answers. Next, T explains that they are going to listen to a text soon, but before that T projects a word cloud on the board which contains all the words used by the speaker they are going to listen to. T gives Ss 2 minutes to work in groups and use the information in the word cloud to predict the answers to the three questions below: 1- Who is the photographer? 2- Where did the photographer take the photo? 3- Why did the photographer take it? T elicits answers from different Ss but confirms none.

Dictation (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to listen for gist and detailed information, and take notes while listening

T explains that she's going to read the text, and Ss check their predictions as they are listening. After Ss briefly discuss if their predictions have been confirmed or not, T checks Ss' comprehension by eliciting answers from Ss before finally giving feedback. T then tells that she is going to read the same text again. This time, Ss must take detailed notes individually as T reads at normal speed. Afterwards, they work in pairs and share & compare their notes. T then reads the text for a final time again at normal speed. Ss revise their notes and add new details.

Reconstruction (12-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to reconstruct a spoken text in written form

Ss then work in groups of 3-4 to produce a written version of the text together using their notes from the listening. They compare their notes and write a common version of the text. While making sure to include the main ideas and important details, they edit for accurate grammar, punctuation and spelling. T only monitors closely.

Feedback and Error Correction (12-15 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production as for the content and language

Each group presents their reconstructed version to the class in a gallery walk activity. They each analyze other groups' works, compare and contrast theirs with the others'. While checking other groups' works, T asks students to think about these two questions? 1- How is this work different from yours? 2- What could be add to each work? This can lead to further discussion and comparison of the different issues such as main ideas, important details or some language areas that caused difficulty while note-taking. Then, T distributes the written version of the listening text so that they compare their work with the original one by means of a reading activity this time. After each group briefly compare their work to the original, T and Ss discuss the main differences together. T provides general feedback and clarifications.

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