parvin parvin

Travel, Compound sentences
Intermediate, Grade 12 level


In this lesson,


Abc PowerPoint, data projector
Abc Video clip (optional)
Abc envelopes containing printed texts
Abc White board, Marker
Abc Worksheet
Abc empty envelopes
Abc Adhesive tape
Abc Scissors
Abc Video clip

Main Aims

  • Learners will be better able to produce compound sentences by using connecting words (and, but, so, or) to write an informal e-mail to their friend introducing a country they have visited.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To increase students’ group work.
  • To decrease TTT.
  • To have a student-centered class


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. Greeting and calling the roles. 2. Show pictures of 4 tourist attractions on PowerPoint slides (Masoala National Park, Easter Island, Antarctica, northern lights in Tromso) 3. Ask students related Qs to elicit the topic of the session: -How did you feel while watching the pictures or clips? -Do you like visiting these places? -Which one do you like to visit the most? -Can you guess what's the topic of today? 4. Ask Ss to look at the same pictures again and elicit the words (Architecture, Climate, Diverse, Balmy, and Crisp) by asking some related and leading Qs about the pictures. 5. Work on MPF. Work on pronunciation by drilling. 6.CCQs (LA sheet) 7. Students match the pictures with the definitions of the words to check students understanding of the words.

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading a letter about traveling to Turkey

1. Divide the class into four groups 2. Give each group an envelope containing an informal letter from a friend who has visited Turkey and is talking about the country. Show the text on the data. 3. Ask one of the groups to find the gist of the text and three other groups to find the main ideas (There are three main ideas -Language, Climate, and Cities-, so three groups find each of them, and the other group finds the gist of the text) and then each group shares their finding to the whole class and then teacher writes the topic on the board with the main ideas around it. 4. ICQs: -Are you going to do it individually? (no) -Are you going to look for the details in the text? (no) -Are you going to write down your findings or say them? (say) 5. Monitor the groups while doing the task and help if necessary. 6. Ask students the following Qs to show what ideas are usually mentioned in a text about traveling to another country: -If you want to write about a country you have visited, what should you mention in your text?

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks (Connecting words and compound sentences)

1. Give each group a marker with a different color with a note labeled to it. (Note -connecting words with their symbols-:, but /, and / , or / , so /) 2. Based on their given marker, each group should highlight the marker's note in the text. The teacher asks each group to guess the function of the words they have highlighted. The proficient student in each group stands up and shares her group's answer with the whole class. The marker will be given to the next group so that they can highlight the next connecting word as well. This process will go on until all of the groups have highlighted all of the connecting words in their text. ICQs: - Are you going to do it in groups? (yes) - Are you going to highlight the words or underline them? (highlight) - Are you going to write the function of the words or say it? (say) 3. Give each group a worksheet with a fill-in-the-blank activity and then one of the group members comes to the board and writes the answer to one of the Qs to inductively teach the students about correct ways to use commas and the connecting word "and" in a compound sentence. 4. Monitor the groups while doing the task and help if necessary. 5. Give feedback

Productive Task(s) (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1. Attach four envelopes on the board with each of them having the symbol of one of the connected words on it. 2. Spread different simple sentences on the table. (There are two compound sentences for each connecting word) 3. Four random pairs of students come to the board. Each of them is responsible for a particular connecting word. They should put the correct simple sentences in the correct envelope. The fastest group wins. This task is done to check the understanding of the students of compound sentences and make the class more fun. ICQs: - Are you going to do it in groups? (no) - Are you going to write the sentences on the board? (no) 4. Students imagine that there is a site in which they can introduce their country to people all around the world. A muted video clip of Iran's attractions is played for the students so that they can get ideas from it. ICQs: - Are going to do it individually or in pairs? (individually) - Are going to describe the video clip? (no) 5. Students produce the first draft based on the given text.

Feedback and Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

1. Each student exchanges her first draft with her classmate for peer correction. 2. Students write the second draft based on the comments collected from their peers. ICQs: - Are you going to check your own writing? (no) - Should you write comments for your classmates to tell them? (write)

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