Rania Navarro Rania Navarro

TP 6 - Functional Language
Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss will be introduced to phrases used to give good/bad news.


Abc Presentation
Abc Speak Out Intermediate Student Book
Abc Intensive task
Abc CP task
Abc FP task - slide for Ss
Abc Speak Out Intermediate Student Book Audios

Main Aims

  • To introduce provide clarification and practice of functional language used for giving news.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To introduce students to functional language used for giving good and bad news.
  • To provide clarification of functional language used for giving good and bad news.
  • To provide students with free speaking practice to use functional language for giving good and bad news.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To engage students in the context of giving good and bad news.

T displays slide with images on screen. T: "Look at the pictures and discuss what you think is happening in each picture" T elicits Ss to say what they think the images show and asks Ss if they agree with what their classmates have said.

Exposure (Text work) (6-8 minutes) • To provide a gist and intensive task that exposes students to TL in the context of giving good and bad news.

1) Gist task ( 4 min) T display task on screen. T: "Listen to the audio and match the conversation to the picture. Write your answers in the chat." T conducts OCFB by eliciting answers from Ss and displaying answers on screen. 2) Intensive task (4 min) T displays task on screen. T: "Listen again to the audio and choose which phrases are used in each conversation. One phrase can be used in more then one conversation. Do not submit your answers until I tell you to" ICQs: Can one phrase be used in two conversations? A: Yes Do you submit your answers as soon as you're finished or when the T tells you to? A: When the T tells us to. T sends link to activity. T conducts OCFB by eliciting answers from Ss and displaying correct answers on the screen.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T gets Ss to analyse meaning and use of TL by asking CCQs: Q1: Which of these phrases do we use to introduce good news? A: I’ve got some good news (for you)... I’m really pleased to tell you ... Well, ... Q2: Which of these phrases do we use to introduce bad news? A: Unfortunately, I’m sorry to have to tell you, but... (I’m afraid) I’ve got some bad news... Well, ... Q3: Are we using these phrases before or after giving the news? A: before Q4: why do think that is? A: Because we use them to prepare the listener for the news. Q5: When we say “I’m afraid”, are we literally afraid of something? A: No T gets Ss to analyse form of TL by asking FCQs: Q1: Do we use these phrases before or after we say say what the news are? A: Before. Q2: What’s the general use of the comma? A: To separate words, phrases and/ clauses. Q3: Why do we use a comma after unfortunately, I’m sorry to have to tell you and well, ? A: We use it to separate the phrase that introduces the news (introductory phrase) and the actual news (two different clauses). T gets Ss to analyse pronunciation of TL by asking Ss to identify sentence stress. T displays sentence stress on screen. T models and drills correct sentence stress. T gets Ss to analyse intonation of TL by asking Ss: Q1: we use a high voice or a low voice when giving good news? A: High voice Q2: we use a high voice or a low voice when giving bad news? A: low voice Q3: does intonation fall or rise when giving good news? A: usually rises Q4: does intonation fall or rise when giving bad news? A: falls T displays intonation on screen. T models and drills correct intonation.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide Ss with a task to practice producing and identifying functional language for giving good and bad news

T displays task on screen. T: "Put the words in the correct order to make sentences". T demonstrates activity to Ss. T sends link. "You have 4 min. Please do not submit your answers until I tell you to." Ss do the task. T gets Ss to check answers in pairs/groups in BORs. ( 3 min) Ss check answers in pairs/groups. T conducts OCFB by eliciting answers from Ss and displaying answers on screen. (3 min)

Free Practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T displays task on screen. "In pairs, play a role-play situation in which you need to give some news to your partner. One of you will be student A and the other student B, after 3 min you'll switch roles" ICQs: Do you need to switch roles? A: Yes How much time do you each get to play each role? A: 3 min T sends link to slide with activity T sends Ss to BORs Ss do the activity. (6 min) T monitors Ss fluency and use of TL. T takes notes that could later be used for DEC.

Delayed Error Correction (2-3 minutes) • To provide Ss with feedback on the language used during FP

T displays language used during FP. T corrects sentences that need correcting and praises those with good use of language. T ends the lesson.

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