Learning Possessive pronouns grammar
B2 level
Main Aims
To provide clarification of possessive pronouns
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy speaking in the conversation
Procedure (17-28 minutes)
In this part i will talk about my belongings the things that is mine and i just bought and the questions that my mother ask to know about my belongings
Here i will ask my student talking about their belongings and which one they like most and join in chat box or speaking
Here i will write the meaning of possessive pronouns before clarification and want i will write my students mistaken during speaking they talked
Here i will clarify the Grammer using grammer bank notes and example in file that ive already made and i will show where grammer is useful and difference between possessive adjectives
Here i will show some exercises got by book and i want student doing them and after that answeres will be checked by whole class
Here i will show a photo with blanks and i want student fill them with their knowledge