Abdullah Abdullah

Weekley lesson plan. 28 April - 2 May. Unit 4
A1 level


In this lesson ss will learn how to speak and ask each other about their daily routine.


Abc Textbook
Abc pictures to lead in stage.
Abc Baamboozle platform

Main Aims

  • To provide accuracy for ss to speak and ask questions about thier daily routine through some exercises about their daily routine.
  • To present and practice common verbs used to describe daily routines.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of vocabulary in the context of daily routine
  • To give sts a semi-controlled speaking practice through describing daily routines and to review ways of telling time.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ss will open their book p.38. They will talk about the images with their partners, they will try to find out what that person does in the given images. Then I will disperse the daily routine verbs and the students will match the words with appropriate images. After finishing the matching activity, they will check their matches in pairs.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

In this step, I will highlight and clarify the new daily routine phrases on the board. I will deal with the meaning, form and pronunciation respectively. I will use both group and individual drilling techniques. I will ask CCQs.

Task (3-5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

ss will listen to the recording about the days of the week and complete the next exercise about the missing verb.

Report (6-8 minutes) • To allow students to report on how they did the task and how it went

Ss will read a paragraph about Mari's week and answer the questions. p.38

Planning (5-7 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to plan students' reports

After completing their daily routine exercise , they will talk to each other about their routines..

Language Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

Divide the Ss into three groups. Assign them randomly or use a predetermined grouping strategy. Explain that they should use the knowledge they have acquired about the daily routine to make decisions and progress in the game.

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