Griselda Guzman Griselda Guzman

Reading Lesson
Elementary level


Abc Face 2 Face Elementary Student's Book

Main Aims

  • To provide reading practice for gist and detail in the context of gym membership.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To help develop speaking fluency related to the vocabulary.


Pre-Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show students pictures of exercising equipment, a scale, someone drinking from a water bottle, someone signing a paper. After sharing Google slide with them assign students in BOR in pairs. Allow for 2 minutes of discussion time. Ask students for their thoughts on the pictures they saw.

Pre- Teach/ Vocabulary (5-6 minutes) • Teach students the meaning, form, and pronunciation of key vocabulary words.

Screen share slides of vocabulary words Ask students to look at the 4 vocabulary words and match the meaning first. Tell students that 2 definitions are matched correctly. Then, ask students to orally say which picture best matches the word and definition. 1. a member- noun- a person belonging to a group 2.a mile - noun- a distance equal to 1,760 yards which countries use miles? which countries use kilometers ? 3. a calorie - noun - energy stored in food we eat Lastly, share the difference between these three similar words. Tell the students I have matched the first one for them. Ask 5. health- noun- free from illness or injury example sentence: Jim know's smoking is bad for his health. healthy- adjective - in good health Jim is healthy, but his brother is not. healthily- adverb- in a healthy way Jim healthily, chooses to exercise and drink water.

While-Reading for Gist (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and giving access to Google Forms link

Use example 3b from course book. Ask students to take 2 minutes to read the article and choose the best headline for the article. Share google forms link with students and remind them that they have 2 minutes to complete the task. The answer on this one question quiz is option B. Get Fit For Free After students have completed the short quiz on headlines share their answers with the class and have Open Class Feedback.

While-Reading for Detail (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

1. Use Example 3c and ask students to do task individually. Share google forms link with students in chat box. Students will have to match the tips (1-8) to pictures (a-h) share google slides link. Give students 4-5 minutes to complete matching activity. 2. After 4-5 minutes matching the tips to pictures put students in BOR's to check their answers in pairs. 2. After 2 minutes of students checking their answers have Open Class Feedback and screen share the students responses. Answers: Tip 1- Picture C Tip 2- Picture A Tip 3- Picture B Tip 4- Picture E Tip 5- Picture F Tip 6- Picture D Tip 7- Picture H Tip 8- Picture G

Post Reading (10-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1. I have three questions from activity 3d on the last slide of my google slide presentation. I will put students in BOR's to discuss in groups of 3, if there are enough students. If there are only a few students, I will turn off my camera and mic and let them discuss the questions among themselves. I'll tell them we are going to do an activity to respond to the text we read. I will share my google slides link one more time in case they lost the first one from my lead-in. Students will have 7 minutes to answer the three questions on the last slide. During those 7 minutes I will jump into different BOR's and listen for any speaking errors the students might say when answering the questions. After the 7 minutes write some of the errors I heard during their group work. Ask students what's wrong with the error and how they believe the error can be fixed. Thank them for their attention and time.

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