Ekaterina Ekaterina

TP 5. Speaking
CELTA, B2 level


Abc Sources
Abc Audio

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of speaking (for fluency) about discussing a new product.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To develop students’ listening skills for gist understanding in the context of discussing a new product.
  • To develop students’ understanding of the meaning, form, and pronunciation of phrases in the context of discussing a new product.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T. shares slide #1 with four logos of different famous brands and asks Ss if they remember their slogans and elicits the answers: “Just Do It.” “Think Different.” “I'm Lovin' It” “It's Finger-Lickin' Good". T. shares slide #2 with a question "How many different ways to advertise a product can you think of?" Ss shares their ideas. T. notes them down.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T. shares slide #3 and asks Ss. what they see there. T. elicits the answer. (A meeting, people are brainstorming, discussing their ideas, etc). T. shares slide #4 and tells Ss that they're going to listen to people discussing a new product. Ss. need to answer only one question: What product they are discussing? (A fruit juice drink) T. plays the audio (3 minutes). T. pairs Ss up to discuss their answer. Ss. work in BORs. T. sets 1 min. OCF.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T. shares slide #5. and says that they're going to have a look at some of the phrases from the recording. T. asks Ss. to match the phrase with its function. Ss. shares their ideas: 1&2 = putting forward a new idea, 3&4 = reacting positively, 5 = reacting negatively, 6 = summarizing and recapping. T. draws Ss.' attention to the form and asks: - What form do we use after "one thing we could do is ..." and elicits the answer (bare infinitive). T. give a couple of examples. - What form do we use after 'how about ...?' and elicits the answer (ing-form). T. gives a couple of examples. T. confirms pronunciation by modeling and eliciting. T. highlights: - linking: got_an_idea; worth_a; such_a. - intrusion: how /w/ about; go /w/ over. - sentence stress; - intonation in questions. Ss. drill.

Productive Task(s) (13-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T. shares slide #6 and tells Ss. that they're going to design a campaign for a new product. T. highlights that Ss. need to cover the following: What is the product? a name for the product? a logo or a slogan? who the product is aimed at what is different about it? how you're going to advertise it? T. asks Ss. to use the useful phrases of the lesson. T. share a google file with useful phrases and questions. T. demonstrates the activity: 'I've got an idea. How about introducing a dog bed for humans? And how about calling it Human Dogbed... No, I'm not sure that's such a good idea. How about Cozypaws? Yeah, that could work. And the slogan could be something like: Sleep like a dog. T. sets 5 minutes and assigns 3 Ss to a BOR. When the time's up Ss get back to the class and present their ideas. T. sets another 5 minutes and shuffles Ss to do the same activity but with a different product. When the time's up Ss get back to the class and present their ideas.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-7 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T. shows good and incorrect pieces of the language and asks Ss to decide which ones were good and which ones were not. T. asks to reformulate and correct.

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