Ismail Noaman Ismail Noaman

TP #5_ Ismail Noaman
B2 level


Abc Handout global upper intermediate
Abc Handout
Abc CD2 Audio track
Abc CD2 Audio track
Abc handout

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about rhetoric in the context of powerful speeches

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a debate in the context of powerful speeches


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • to set the lesson context and activate schema

Write this sentence on the board "We choose to go to the moon" ask Ss to read this sentence aloud. Ask them how it would be more powerful and encouraging. Ss guess and try to do it. Play a video of a speech for John F. Kennedy for this sentence and Ss reflect on how it was said. Elicit/present what kind of way of speech it was. "rhetoric" Ask CCQs to check the meaning.

Pre-listening (5-7 minutes) • to prepare Ss for the Listening and make it more accessible.

Set ex.1 Pg.66. Ss read the introduction. Ss report back with what it was about in their own words.

Listening 1 (10-12 minutes) • to provide listening for gist and specific details.

Step 1: Set listening track CD.2 track 9. students listen to the first part of the listening and answer two questions. Ss check together and then T check answer with the whole class. Step 2: Give Ss a set of questions. Ss listen for specific information and answer the questions. monitor and promote peer checks. Check answer with the WC

Vocabulary Focus (3-4 minutes) • to learn and vocabulary in the context of the listening track of rhetoric

Give Ss small slips of paper. Set a challenge to provide excitement. Ss match the word with their meanings. the first team to finish is the winner. Early finishers write the answer on the board.

Listening 2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide listening for gist and specific details in the context of the kinds of rhetoric

step 1: Set Ex.3 Pg 66. Ss read the questions. Ss listen to the track and answer the questions. Monitor and promote peer checks. Check answer with the whole class. Step 2: give Ss handouts. Tell the Ss to listen again and check true or false. Ss listen and answer. Ss peer check T check answer with the WC

listening follow-uo (5-7 minutes) • to provide further understanding of the listening in the context of powerful speeches.

Set Ex.4 Pf 66. Ss look back at the quotes they studied in the previous lesson. Ss decide what kind of rhetorical techniques they are. Ss check answers in pairs. Early finishers come to the board and write answers. Check with the WC.

Speaking (7-9 minutes) • to provide fluency speaking in the context of powerful speaking

Set Ex. Pg 66. Ss work in groups and decide whether they agree or disagree on the sentences. Ss work together and make up their decisions about the sentences. Monitor and give directions when needed. Ss come together and assign a leader for each group. Ss make a debate and express their opinions.

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