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B1 level


In this lesson, students practice speaking. First, they can be engaged by a poem, some pictures or scenes of a movie to review different genres of movies. Second, they listen to a conversation and learn the speaking strategies an new expressions. Third, they are grouped to make the language and personalize what they have learned. Last but not least, they are given feedback and a filler can boost their energy level.


Abc video/ pictures/ power point, board

Main Aims

  • To practice oral parapharasing
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of movie

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review the genres of movies and practice listening


Warmer/Lead-in (0-1 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Greeting Did you have fun this weekend? What did you do this weekend? Did you watch any movies?

Review/ preteaching (1-2 minutes) • Vocabulary

Plan A: Show the poem Read it aloud Plan B: Show pictures of different genres Don't say the genre Let them guess then give them the genre if they can't guess Plan C: Show brief moments of a movie Get them to guess the genre

Exposure and Useful Language (2-3 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening and calrifing

Play the conversation ( if they need, play it again) Ask CCQs(checking comprehension questions): What was the name of the movie? ( Superbad) What genre was it? (Comedy) Why? (They give their own answers) Play the part it says hilarious then ask what does it mean or play the part it says the same here or I couldn't help laughing and do the same

Productive Task(s) (3-4 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Think about these questions for almost one minute: What happened in the movie? Why do you like it? Describe your favorite character in the movie. ICQs: ask how much time they have? (One or two minutes) Share it with your friend (one minute) Ask them what their friend said to practice restating and paraphrasing Say they can even search the movie on Google and show the pictures to her friends Give feedback

Filler (1-2 minutes) • To have fun and pracrice accuracy

You are an actress The director gives you these sentences. Read it as if you are playing in a drama/ comedy / action Sentence:

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