Rania Navarro Rania Navarro

TP 5 - Writing
Intermediate level


In this lesson Ss will learn about persuasive language by writing an email inviting a long-distance friend to visit their country.


Abc Lead-in slide
Abc Gist task
Abc Email layout task
Abc Layout slide
Abc Identifying persuasive language
Abc Padlet board
Abc Writing assignment
Abc Checklist
Abc Presentation

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of writing a short email inviting a friend (in another country) to visit you

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice and clarification of adjectives and adverbs as persuasive language.
  • To provide practice and clarification of the structure of an informal email for a friend.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T displays slide on screen with the quote "True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never at heart". T gets Ss to discuss in BORs if they agree or disagree with the quote and why. (3 min) I: "Discuss in pairs if you agree or disagree with the quote and why. You have 3 min" T sends slide with quote via chat. T opens BORs. Ss do the task. T monitors BORs to check that Ss are doing the task correctly. Ss go back to the main room. T gets Ss to write in the chat if they agreed or disagreed with the chat.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading.

1) Gist Task T displays task on screen T explains task: "Read the following email and answer the questions" T sends link to task "You have 3 min" S do the task T provides OCFB by nominating Ss to share their answers and displaying correct answers on the screen. (2 min) 2) Exposure to layout of the text T displays task on screen. "Drag each square to the section of the emai that it corresponds" T demonstrates task T sends link to the task "You have 2 min" S do the task T conducts OCFB by providing correct answers to Ss. T provides clarification of content of each part of the text by eliciting answers from Ss: Q3: Is this a formal or informal email? A: informal Q4: Why? A: Because we writing to a friend. We don’t use formal language with friends. Q5: What are other ways we can greet a friend in an email? A: Hi friend, Hello friend, Dear friend. Q6: What's the purpose of the opening sentence? A: Tell or ask personal news. (e.g how are you doing?, sorry I haven't written, I've been really busy lately) Q7: What do we write in the body/main part? A: Explain why we are contacting them. Describe the invitation, why it's good idea to visit and what you'll do. Q8: What are other ways we can sign off? A: all the best, take care, lots of love, etc. Q9: What’s the most important part of an email? A: The body Q10: Why? A: Because it contains the main piece of information ( the purpose of the email is described in this section)

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T displays task on screen. "In pairs, read this paragraph again and identify which sentences/words are used to raise the reader's interest" T sends link to slide with the activity. "You have 3 min" T opens BORs S complete the task in pairs. T conducts OCFB by nominating Ss to share their answers. (2 min) T provides clarification of Persuasive Language: (5 min) Persuasive language is used to make someone do or believe a particular thing. Q2: What words in the paragraph are used to persuade the reader? A: pristine white sand beaches, pleasant sunny weather, lovely day trip, a must-see archaeological attraction, authentic delicious Mexican food. Q3: What type of words are these? (noun, verb, adjective) A: Adjectives and adverbs Q4: What do we use adverbs and adjectives for? A: Describe words Q5: Do you think these are effective as persuasive language? A: Yes Q6: Why are they effective? A: Because they add emphasis and are attractive to the reader. Q1: Do adjectives go before or after the noun they’re describing? A: Before Q2: Do adverbs go before or after the noun/verb they’re describing? A: Before

Productive Task(s) (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Preparation Stage T displays next task on screen "Write a short email where you invite a friend (that lives in a different country) to come visit you." T gets Ss to think of following criteria: two or three aspects of your country/city that your friend might like. one or two activites you might do together remember to use persuasive language T displays website where Ss will submit their emails. T demos how to write on the website. T sends link to Padlet. Ss take notes (5 min) "You have up to 10 min to finish your email, when you're finished please submit your email" Ss write their email individually. While Ss write their emial, T prepares BORs for next stage.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T gets Ss to read each other's emails in pairs/groups. T displays checklist on screen and demos activity. 'Use the checklist to see if your partner has written all the necessary information on their email.' (3 min) T conducts OCFB by asking Ss: Would you go visit you partner? Why/Why not?

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