Sahar Sahar

Khadijeh Atabaki, Reading


In this lesson, students will learn how to read for the main idea (gist) and how to take notes on different kinds of energies. To begin with, the teacher shows the title and the related pictures, elicits 4 blocking vocabulary, and then students come up with their own topics for the text through a reading for gist activity. For the second task, each paragraph of the text is given to a group, for the students to write down up to two main phrases to practice note-taking. To establish and expand the note-taking strategy, students are required to write their phrases on the board and categorize them under three major topics with the help of the teacher, and write the important points about each of them , and finally personalize this skill through an imaginary situation through discussion


Abc White board- PowerPoint- Printed pictures
Abc White board

Main Aims

  • To enable students to improve their reading comprehension through note taking strategy in the context of different kinds of energies

Subsidiary Aims

  • To strengthen oral flueny practice through discussion To enable students to improve their general perception of the text through reading for gist


Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lessoTo introduce the topic and engage the studentsn context and engage students

1. Greeting students 2. Show some pictures related to the topic (different types of energies) alongside the title on the PowerPoint slide. COMMENT: In the case of any problems with PowerPoint slides, printed pictures will be stuck on the board. 3. Ask students the following questions: a) What do you think the title means? b) How the pictures are related to the title? 3. Students answer the questions until the target word-energy- will be elicited.

Pre-Reading (2-4 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1. Write the target word "energy" on the board and elicit the blocking words "renewable", "resources", "nuclear", and "solar power" by asking the following question: a) What do you know about energy? What are different kinds of energies? COMMENT: If the target words "nuclear" and "solar" won't be elicited by students, the teacher draws symbols-radioactive and sun- on the board to facilitate eliciting

While-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging note taking activities

1. Ask students to read the text in pairs quickly to come up with their own titles for the text. ICQs: a) Are you going to do it in pairs? Yes b) Are you going to write the answers? no c) How much time have you got for this activity? 3 mins Ss justify their answers, then the teacher and students give feedback on topics in order to choose the best one. 2. Divide the class into six groups and each group will be responsible for reading one paragraph. 3. Ask students to write up to two phrases that best represent the given paragraph and to write them on the board. COMMENT: since the main aim is note-taking, the following activity is done to make students familiar with the strategy in detail. 4. Categorize all the phrases into three major categories "different kinds of energies", "renewable energies", and "solar power" in a table with the help of students. 5. Ask students to say the important words related to categories from the text and write them in the table.

Post-Reading (3-5 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to follow-on through discussion and sharing the ideas

1. students have a discussion about an imaginary world which they can produce energy from new resources. 2. Students take notes of their favorite ideas shared by their classmates 3. As an assignment students will design a survey made of three questions around the topic 'energy' and conduct an interview with three people in their family or relatives and for the next session share their ideas by use of note taking to the class.

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