Bita Bita

Listening Lesson Plan-Group 05
intermediate level


Abc board, marker, picture (of a bookshop)
Abc realia (dictionary), pictures
Abc audio file, three pictures prepared on a PowerPoint slide, handout
Abc the audio script

Main Aims

  • To enable students to improve their listening comprehension skills by listening for gist, specific information and detailed comprehension in the context of an audio file about shopping

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to ask for the price in a simple conversation
  • To strengthen oral fluency practice through conversation and role-play


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To introduce the topic and engage students

Say hello 1. Combine calling the roles with greeting students; ask students how do they feel in order and check their presence as they are talking about their feelings. 2. Ask one of those students who said they don't feel alright "What do you do to feel better whenever you are not in the mood?", and then ask the whole class the same question (students can answer in English or Persian). 3. After several answers, teacher draw a lady and a simplified drawing of a shop on the board and tell students "most people think women feel better when they go .... (blank)" and ask students to guess the word -shopping- by looking at the drawing. 4. After the target word -shopping- is guessed (either in English or Persian), write the word on the board and ask students to repeat as well as showing a picture of a woman who shopping in a bookshop.

Pre-Listening (5-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the audio file and make it accessible

1. Show a dictionary book and tell students "You can find this book in any bookshop", introduce the word (dictionary) alongside a simplified definition, write it on the board and ask students to repeat the word. 2. Give the dictionary to the students to take a look at it. 3. Introduce the following vocabulary by the help of showing related pictures. a) Expensive b) cheap Ask students to repeat.

While-Listening #1 (9-12 minutes) • To provide students with gist and specific information listening tasks

1. Introduce the new task; students listen to the audio file and choose the best picture among three, representing the gist of the audio file. They should say the answer aloud as soon as the audio file finishes. ICQs: a) Are you going to do it in pairs? No b) Are you going to do it in groups? No c) Are you going to write something? No Class check the right answer. 2. Give each student a handout and give instruction. There are 4 true/false and 2 fill-in-the-blanks written in the handout. Students should read the questions in 1 minute. Play the audio file and ask them to listen carefully for answering questions. Firstly, they have to answer true/false questions and then, the fill-in-the-blanks. When the audio file reaches a point which the answer of one question is mentioned, students should tap on their tables and as they tap, pause the audio, wait a couple of seconds so that students can write the answer of the related question and then, play the rest of the audio. ICQs: a)Are you going to read the questions before or after playing the audio file? Before playing the audio file b) How much time do you have for reading questions? 1 min c) Are you going to answer true/false questions or fill-in-the blanks at first? True/false questions d) Are you going to tap on the table as you hear the answer of one question? Yes e) Are you going to do it individually? Yes Students check the answers in pair 3. Ask six students to read one question and provide the answer for the class.

While-Listening #2 (9-12 minutes) • To provide students with a common phrase used in listening or speaking tasks about the title

1. Pair up the students and give each pair the audio script. 2. Ask them to read it once and to think about where and when do we use "how much" as they underline it Monitor students and help them with comprehending the meaning if necessary 3. Want students to ask and answer questions about the price of one of their stationaries in pairs. Demo one question with one of the students Monitor students and help them with the questions if necessary 4. Ask each pair to repeat their conversation for the whole class

Post-Listening (9-11 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1. Ask students to provide a role-play. Give instructions as follows: What is the thing that you want the most? Imagine that you are a very rich person and you can buy it very easily. Role- play the shopping of that with one of your friends 2. Ask two or three volunteer pairs to prepare their role-play for the whole class

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