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Present continuous
Elementary level


In this lesson, students familiarize with the present continuous tense through a story in which characters are from the anime "Spy × Family". Every person in the story is doing something. The learners are exposed to the structure and after asking comprehension questions, repetition happens. They are also helped to be confronted with the correct pronunciation of "ing". Then the form is provided for them. Last but not least, they get to complete some tasks and create sentences with the same structure.


Abc Power Point, board

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of The present continuous in the context of Family

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Sentence making in the context of Family
  • To provide accuracy in the context of Family


Warm-up (0-1 minutes) • To engage students

Greet Say you slept at 12 last night Ask them when they slept last night

Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show a picture or play music Ask them if they have seen the anime Ask them to introduce the characters

Exposure (2-3 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through the text or situation

Show the picture(s) with the sentences Read them aloud Act out what the characters are doing

Clarification (7-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning and form of the target and concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice language

Ask CCQs (where are each character) While answering act out what they are doing Ask them to fill the blanks (the answers are from what they heard and read in the previous stage ) Give them almost one minute to complete the task Ask them how many minutes they have Say they can ask their friends if they need help Provide them with the correct answers Ask if the characters are doing something right now or in the past Ask if they are doing something only now Ask them to choose the best time line Start drills (shed light on the pronunciation of "ing" and get them to repeat in a sad, happy or angry tone) Write the formula on the board (to be verb+ verb+ ing)

Controlled practice (2-3 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the target language

Show them a sentence with a blank Ask to fill the blank Check the answers Give them two groups of words with two pictures Complete the first one Get them to do them same for the next picture Ask them to put the words in the correct order individually (one minute): What is happening in the picture? (Pointing to each picture) Use these words ( Complete the first task as an example if they didn't understand what they have to do) Ask them how much time they have Get them to share the answers with their partner Check the answers

Free practice (2-3 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the target language

Ask them to listen to a file and ask what they think they are doing Show them a picture Want them to come up with more sentences for the next session ( they can write or record their voice and say the sentences)

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