brett brett

TP8 Writing lesson plan
upper intermediate level


Teach and practice writing a biography.


Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice writing a biography.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give the students the opportunity to learn and improve their lexis skills by using the useful language that I provide to write a biography for themselves.


1) Lead In (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students & set a clear task

T-Ss – T starts class with sharing the screen to a YouTube video that has a short montage of Dennis Bergkamp playing for arsenal. ( T demos how they should answer the coming question by sharing why they like Football player Dennis Bergkamp. (Dennis Bergkamp is my favorite football player from when I was a kid. He played for my favorite football team Arsenal from 1995-2006. In that time frame, I was 10-21 years of age, and football was really important to me growing up. Dennis was a very hard worker and very skillful and when I played football I tried to play like him. He is also the reason why I traveled to the Netherlands in the past.) (2mins) T asks the Ss, Who is somebody that you look up to? If no immediate Ss responses T picks a Ss to respond. T then sets the task clearly by stating that the Ss will be writing a biography today that consists of around 150 words. T explains they will have 15 minutes to do so later on in the lesson. T then shifts things into the next section while paying attention to the timer set for this lesson. (2 min for stages 2/3)

2) Gist Task/Model -- Text analysis (3-4 minutes) • Show Ss your own sample then help Ss identify: a) style and structure of the biography b) some useful language for writing them

T-Ss – T shares a google form with a sample biography about actor Rowen Atkinson. T asks Ss to read the biography and answer the two questions at the bottom of the form. (30 secs) T the demos the first question with the Ss. (30 seconds) S – Ss read the biography and answer the questions on the form. (1 min) T asks the class when they are finished: If they know and or like Mr. Bean by telling them to use the reactions in the Zoom menu or by sharing aloud. (45s-1min)

3) Language Focus (7-8 minutes) • To focus on the text structure, to introduce and highlight the useful language for the task

T-Ss – T opens a google form with the biography written again. T tells Ss this time they will work with a partner in breakout rooms and pick the best title for each of the paragraphs via the google form sent in the chat. T tells Ss that they will have two minutes to read and answer the questions. T demos number one with the Ss by skimming the first paragraph and gathering with the Ss that "What he is famous for" is the best title for number 1. S-Ss – Ss work in the breakout rooms to identify the best title for each paragraph of the biography by picking the best title option. (2-3 min). T-Ss – T shows an answer sheet. T asks the Ss, is the writing formal or more informal or is it perceived as neutral? T explains to the Ss that this biography is more formal because of the choice of words: it's using traditional biographical language. T asks CCQs like: Can biographies be formal? -- Yes T asks the Ss what kind of audience do you think this biography is written for? -- people who are interested in movies and Tv shows or actors. Then the T asks what is it's purpose? (1 min) -- To give a account of somebodies life through the eyes of another. T asks CCQ: what is the difference between a biography and an autobiography? -- an auto biography is written about yourself. T-Ss – T presents the useful language then asks the Ss if there are any questions. T then shares a slide with example sentences and explains any specific features. (2 min).

4) Preparation / Planning -- Brainstorming (2-3 minutes) • To give Ss thinking and note taking time to organize their ideas before they perform for the following task.

T-S – T tells the Ss they will now have 2 minutes to choose one of the people below to write their 150 word biography about. T then explains that they will use the "4 steps" taught in the earlier task to build their biographies. T explains that they are to brain storm the 4 sections in relation to their chosen person. T provides a note sheet they can use that contains the list of people to choose from and the "four steps". (1 min) The four steps: [1. Best Known for:] [2. Early Life and Education:] [3. Early Career and Development of Skills:] [4. Personal Life Today/End of Life:] List of people to choose from: - My sporting hero - My grandfather/mother - My oldest and dearest friend - My favorite film star/entertainer - The most eccentric person I know - A musical legend film S – Ss brainstorm for their biographies. (2 min)

5) Writing Task (15-15 minutes) • To provide authentic written practice using the correct text type structure and the target language presented clearly.

1. T-Ss – T sends a link to the chat with a google slide. T explains the task and tells Ss they will have 15 minutes to write their biography about their chosen person. T then explains which slide to write on in the slide that they sent to the chat. (1 min) 2. S – S write for 15 min while the T monitors and begins to write down sentences for the DECs task. (15 min)

6) Publishing (7-8 minutes) • To provide practice in skimming and reading for detail. Also to promote interest in what other Ss have written about giving them a chance to bond further.

T-S – T tells Ss that they will now read their partner’s biography in BO rooms. T reviews a basic checklist for the Ss to use while reviewing each other’s biographies. T then tells the Ss that they will have eight minutes to complete this task. (30 secs) S-S – Ss go over each other’s biographies in BO rooms. T monitors and is looking to help stuck SS or help speed things up if needed. If Ss finish early, T can switch partners if my timing is good to this point. (7-8 min)

7) Feedback on Content and Language (5-7 minutes) • To pick and share a Ss work with the class in OCFB. Then to highlight any errors heard and any good language that Ss have used. Also to promote Ss bonding.

T provides feedback on the previous task, then asks if there were any questions regarding any of the tasks today. Sample Q's: T asks "What is something you learned from one of the biographies you heard or read today? Did anyone else learn anything interesting about one of the people from today? (2 min) T then preforms DECs with the time left: T informs Ss that they have been listening and reading during their writing and review stages and they have some sentences that might need correction. T then asks how could we fix or make these sentences work better. T shares screen to Feedback and DECs slide.

answer key and links to exercises

Guide/Answer key: Links to tasks: Answers:

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