Ali Soleimanpour Ali Soleimanpour

Reading: hobbies
Elementary level


In this lesson, the STs are going to learn different hobbies or activities through a reading provided by their student book. Also they are going to review the simple present tense about likes and dislikes.


Abc Activity images
Abc Power point slides
Abc Reading text
Abc Info task questions
Abc Post reading slide

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about hobbies

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of likes and dislikes


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • to prepare STs mind into the lesson

1- Ask some questions from their previous lesson using visual slides: Do you like ......? to review different hobbies/activities 2- Answer the question about yourself 3- Continue an intimate chat with the student so they'll share their hobbies as well 4- While changing the reviewing slides, move on to one of the words from the pre-teaching vocabulary so you can engage STs' curiosity. 5- go to the next stage

Pre-Reading (5-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and pre-teach the new vocabulary

1- Continue the presentation of the new vocabulary 2- Have a Q&A based on the new vocabulary 3- pre-teach the words hobby and world before bringing up the text

While-Reading #1 (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist task and pre-teach the new vocabulary

1- Announce the next step by saying: let's look at the reading! or, let's read the text! 2- Bring up the text and explain the title and the concept of the text. 3- Instructions: .Ask the STs to read quickly .Explain the *gist task .Tell them that they have 3 minutes 4- ICQ: .Do you read slow? or do you read fast? (change the speed of your voice) .How many minutes? or, 5 minutes or 3 minutes? .What do you underline? *gist task: I will ask the STs to write down different hobbies mentioned in the text or underline them in their book/Find mentioned hobbies. As a demonstration I am going to find the first one in the text

While-Reading #1 feedback (1-2 minutes) • To check answers

I'll give writing access to the STs and ask them to circle around the words they've selected from the text.

While-Reading #2 (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging information tasks and answer post-reading questions from the book.

1- Bring up the info task questions in a new slide. and send them in the public chat. 2- Read the questions 3- Instruction: .Read the text again but slowly .Find the answers in the text .Remember or write them down .Yes or No .Mention that this time they have 5 minutes ICQ: 1- Do you read slow or fast? 2- How many minutes?

Post-Reading (4-6 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to check their answers and respond to the text

I will divide the class into groups of two and ask them to check their answers with their group mate by writing YES/NO in their private chat. I will also answer the first question. ICQ: .Do you check alone or in groups? After checking the pairs, I will ask the students one by one to give full answers to the questions, examples: Yes he does/No I don't. At last I will move on to an image with different activities or hobbies shown in it.

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