Dulce Giermanski Dulce Giermanski

TP4_LP_Dulce Giermanski
Elementary level


Personal Aims: - Reduce TTT during MFP Clarification stage -Manage time effectively to meet lesson aims Class Profile: - Ss are Elementary Level learners, primarily of Latin American background. Assumptions: - Ss are familiar with most language terms used in text and exercises. - Ss will be energized for the lesson because it is the first lesson of the TP Anticipated Problems & Solutions: P. I will increase TTT if M is not sufficiently clarified. S. I will incorporate multiple appropriate visual aid, timelines, and CCQs to check Ss understanding before moving on to FP. P. Increased TTT will reduce likelihood of meeting lesson aims. S. I will script all instructions, demos, ICQs and CCQs to reduce unnecessary TTT.


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Main Aims

  • To enable students to learn verb collocations in the context of everyday activities and to practice using verb collocations in a controlled and freer practice.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to practice their reading skills for general understanding in the context of everyday activities.
  • To enable students to practice their speaking skills for fluency in the context of everyday activites.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shares screen to display Google Slides that shows photos of people doing various activities. T will ask Ss: Ask and discuss with each other 1) what do you do in a typical day? T will demonstrate an example: First thing in the morning, I go to the gym. When I come home, I take a shower and sometimes I make my bed. T instructs Ss: You will have 1 minute to talk with each other and discuss the 2 questions. (PW 1 min) T nominates Ss to share some ideas they discussed.

Gist Reading Task (3-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T tells Ss: You will read a short conversation and answer 2 questions. T shares screen to show Google Form that has the reading text and questions. T instructs Ss: Quickly read the conversation between these 2 people and answer the following 2 questions individually. You have 1 minute to read and submit your answers. T asks Ss ICQ: How many questions do you need to answer? (2 questions) T shares link to Google Form exercise T provides Ss 1 minute to complete exercise individually T groups Ss to compare answers together (PW 1 min) before OCFB. T nominates Ss to share their answer and rationale.

intensive Reading Task (4-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T shares screen to show Google Slides with text and questions. T instructs Ss: Read the text again. While you read, underline the verbs in the sentences that respond to questions then answer question 2. You will have 2 minutes to complete the exercise alone before talking with a partner for another minute. T asks ICQ: How long do you have to complete this exercise individually? (2 min) T shares link to Google Slides T groups Ss into PW (1 min) T nominates Ss to share and explain their answer choice.

Clarification (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T shares screen to show Google Slide T instructs Ss: In pairs, match the verb collocation (1-5) with its matching picture (A-E). Next, decide what tense matches the tense of these phrases (A, B, or C). You will have 2 minutes to complete this exercise. T demonstrates how to complete exercise. T asks Ss ICQ: Are you working alone or with a partner to complete the exercise? (Partner) T shares link to Google Slides T organizes Ss into pairs to complete exercise T nominates Ss to share and support their answer. T will ask CCQ, such as: Did the clothes get washed (Yes) to check Ss understanding of verb collocations meaning. T will then clarify form by nominating Ss to identify parts of speech, such as verb, nouns [U/C] etc. T will model, elicit, and drill P. T will nominate Ss to identify sentence stress.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T shares Google Slides screen to show CP exercise. T instructs Ss: You with match the verb (1-5) with its collocate (a-j). Each verb will have 2 answers. You will work individually for 3 minutes before working in pairs for another 3 minutes. T demonstrates Ss how to complete exercise. T asks Ss ICQ: How many letters go with each verb? (2) T shares link for Ss to complete CP exercise. T allows Ss 3 min to work individually before PW (3 min) to compare and discuss answers. T nominates Ss to share and support their answer by explaining their rational.

Free Practice (8-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T shares Google Jamboard to display FP discussion questions. T instructs Ss: With your partner, discuss what you did last weekend and ask each other questions to keep the conversation going. I've listed some verb collocations below, some you have seen and others may be new. Try to use verb collocations to talk about your weekend, if possible. You will have 5 minutes to talk with each other. T organizes Ss into PW (5 min) T monitors Ss conversation for OCFB. T nominates Ss to share what they discussed. T shares Google Slide screen for DEC T nominates Ss to correct errors and support their answers.

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