Liam Smith Liam Smith

Lesson Title: Introduction to the Creative Writing Club and Writing Techniques
Grade 10-12 level


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: -Define freewriting and its purpose. -Apply freewriting techniques to generate ideas for creative writing. -Analyse and discuss selected poems by Ocean Vuong. -Engage in creative writing activities inspired by the themes presented in Ocean Vuong's poetry.


Abc Writing Materials
Abc Text Handouts

Main Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a Poetry in the context of experience

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about Courage in the context of storytelling


Introduction (Remembering) (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-Welcome the students to the creative writing club. -Introduce the lesson's topic: freewriting and Ocean Vuong's poetry. -Discuss the importance of creative writing and the goals of the club. -Ask if anyone has experience with freewriting or Ocean Vuong's work.

Define Freewriting (Understanding) (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the lesson aim through a text

-Write the definition of freewriting on the board: "Freewriting is a technique used to generate ideas by writing continuously without regard to grammar, spelling, or topic coherence." -Discuss the purpose of freewriting: to unleash creativity, overcome writer's block, and explore new ideas. -Provide examples of prompts for freewriting (e.g., "What is silence?" or "Six things I have lost").

Freewriting Activity (Understanding) (10-15 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target writing practice

-Choose one of the freewriting prompts and set a timer for 5-7 minutes. -Encourage students to write continuously without stopping or editing. -After the time is up, ask students to share their writing (optional).

Analysis of Ocean Vuong's Poetry (Analyzing) (10-15 minutes) • Analyse and discuss selected poems by Ocean Vuong.

-Distribute handouts of selected poems by Ocean Vuong, such as "Night Sky with Exit Wounds." -Read aloud one of the poems or ask students to read silently. -Discuss the themes, imagery, and emotions evoked by the poem. -Encourage students to share their interpretations and reactions.

Creative Writing Inspired by Ocean Vuong (Creating) (10-15 minutes) • Engage in creative writing activities inspired by Freewriting

-Provide a prompt inspired by Ocean Vuong's poetry (e.g., "Write a poem about a childhood memory"). -Allow students to brainstorm and write creatively for 10 minutes. -Encourage experimentation with language, imagery, and emotion.

Reflection (Evaluating) (3-5 minutes) • To allow students to reflect on their practice and make connections

-Ask students to reflect on their experience with freewriting and the Ocean Vuong poetry. -What did they learn about their own writing process? -What connections did they make between freewriting and Ocean Vuong's work?

Conclusion (3-5 minutes) • To summarize the lesson and encourage students to continue the practice at home

-Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson. -Remind students of the next meeting and what we will be covering. -Encourage them to continue exploring their creativity through writing.

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