brett brett

tp7 Grammar
upper intermediate level


Teach and practice past modals in the context of past events.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of past modals in the context of what you did yesterday and telling stories from the past.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice speaking and reading skills while discussing and using past modals to talk about events that happened in the past.
  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about events that happened in the past. in the context of friends on the phone.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a talking to one another using the TL and gaining confidence to use the TL on their own


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows Ss an exercise on that has them unscramble sentences to make the correct order. In this case all the sentences use the TL of past modals. T shows an example. Ss work alone and complete the exercise. T shows the Ss the answer key briefly and moves onto the next stage.

Exposure (3-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T sends a link in the chat and shares screen to the Gist exercise where the Ss will read a conversation for gist and then select the best titles that fit the conversation they have just read. T demos first question then the SS start on the task. Ss work alone and read and answer the pick the best titles questions in 2 minutes. T shows the Ss the answers on the key. answers

Highlighting (3-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T then shares a link in the chat to intensive and shares the screen to the intensive task. T explains they will read the conversation again then take 2 minutes to decides which phrases from the conversation use past modals. T demos the first question and ensures that everyone understands by using ICQs. Ss work on the task alone and read and answer the questions. T shows the Ss the answer key and asks if there are questions before moving onto the next stage. answers:

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T shares screen to MFP slide and shows the SS some phrases that use past modals. T asks if all the phrases and understood before moving onto form of the TL where the T quickly prompts the Ss to tell them what types of words make up the phrases and how many syllables.T then moves onto stress by asking where the stress lies in each of the phrases before moving onto saying the sentences with stress emphasized. T then asks the Ss to chorally try each phrase before each Ss drill all phrases alone.

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T shares link to a google form where the Ss will have to Complete fill in the gaps exercise with the appropriate past modal and the correct form of the (verbs) in brackets. T explains that they will complete this alone then they will check their answers with a partner when they have finished. T demos first question then allows to the SS to work on this alone. Ss finish the exercise then are quickly placed into BO rooms to check answers. Ss check answers in BO rooms before OCFB. T shows the Ss the answer key and ask for questions on the task. answers:

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T sends a link in the chat and shares screen to a Useful language slide and tells the Ss that the will be having 2 conversations in BO rooms with partners for 5 minutes. the conversations will wither be about their day yesterday or memorable events in the past and how they could have done things differently. T demos that he went to Firefighter school and could have been a fighter fighter and explains what that would have been like using the TL of past modals. T explains they will use the TL to talk with the partner then share what their partners have told them at the end of the 2 conversations. Ss talk to each other in BO rooms using the TL then share with the class after they have finished. T finds sentences that need fixing for Feedback and DECs while they talk.

Feedback and DECs (5-7 minutes) • To provide feedback and delayed error correction for the Ss

T asks Ss if the following sentences need correction? and if so, how do we fix them? After all the sentences are fixed the T asks the Ss if they have any other questions or feedback on todays lessons before sharing their contact info with the class incase the Ss think of questions after the class. Ss are prompted to fix the sentences then ask any questions they might have.

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