Alondra Tovar Alondra Tovar

A1 level


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of verb to be in the context of talk about who we are and how we feel.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about verb to be in the context of helps us talk about who we are and how we feel.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of using the verb to be in real life


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T introduces a new friend called "To be" T says "Students this is Tobe" T makes everyone say Hello to Tobe. T says "To be this are my students" T says "I know what you are thinking... That's a weird name!" T explains "To be is one of my best friends, he always help me and I wanted you to meet him so he can help you too!"

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T goes to the 3 slide "To be message" T tells Ss that To be wrote a message for us T tells Ss to read in silence To Be's message (gist) T asks S "What is To be's message about? (his description) T tells a secret about To be T goes to the 4 slide "To be IS A SPY!! And as a spy he can change his name many times" These are the other names that To be has T tells Ss "remember what other names does To be has? (is/are/am) To be hide his names in the text, can you help me find them all? I'm gonna read the text and I want you to yell STOP everytime you see one of To be's name, ok? T reads out loud and circle every is/are/am when the children yell stop

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T goes to slide 6 T asks Ss, so you might think WHEN DOES TO BE CHANGES HIS NAME? Well To be made a list about the times he changes his name, do you wanna see it? T goes to slide 7 T explains the way To be changes everytime the subject is diferent. F.E (TO BE CHANGES HIS NAME TO "AM" WHEN YOU TALK ABOUT YOURSELF. T reads the example and ask Ss to think about another example) T does the same for IS/ARE

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T asks Ss to grab a pen or a marker T asks Ss to draw a happy face on their middle finger (t shows which is the middle finger) T asks ss to lift their index, middle and ring finger and hold it like that. (this way the happy face is in the middle ) T tells Ss "Let imagine the finger with the happy face is our new friend to be. The first finger is the person (subject) and the last finger (ring finger) is the noun (word to describe a place, person or animal) T explains that they are going to read some sentences and that as they read the subject /to be and noun they need to put down the finger that corresponds. T gives an example "SHE IS HAPPY" Whats the subject(person) in the sentence?(she) T puts down the "subject finger) Where is our friend to be? (is/next to the subject) T puts down the finger with the smile. Where is the noun? (happy/after our friend to be T puts down "noun" the finger)" T read again the sentence "SHE (put fingers down) IS (puts finger down) Happy (put finger down). Ok? Now let's do the same with the other 6 sentences

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T goes to the next slide "GAME TIME" T explains the game "Let's play a game. Do you know kahoot?(its a place where you can win if you select the correct option. In this case the game is about choosing the right name for To be!" T explains "if this is your first time using kahoot Don't Worry! All you need to do is click on the link that I'm gonna send on the chat. (or if you have the app in your phone you only need to write the secret code that I'm going to give you to enter the game) Once we are in the game. W e are going to see some sentences just as the ones that we practiced before. But To be is gonna be missing and you know how sad he gets when he is not with his friends. Remember To be's notebook where he told us when he changes his name? So to bring to be you need to select/click on the correct name for him depending on the sentence."

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T goes to the last slide "Describe the class" T explains the activity "Now lets describe the people in the class with the help of our new friend. I'll start, vanina is blonde, emma is strong and we are mexicans! T gives time to Ss to think and to write down their ideas. (6 minutes) T tells Ss when the time is up T aks Ss to share their ideas "Vanina, lets hear your description of the class! Remeber to use our friend" T listens to the class T wraps up and says goodbye to Ss

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