Samet Çakıroğlu Samet Çakıroğlu

Reading - netflix
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Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, students will have practiced reading for gist as well as detailed and scan reading using a text about video recording of lectures

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a debate in the context of advantages and disadvantages of video recordings of lectures


Warmer/Lead-in (18-20 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T greets Ss and shows them two pictures. T asks Ss what they see in the pictures. Qs: What is happening in these pictures? What are some similarities and differences? Some possible answers may include: online learning vs. face-to-face learning, studying alone vs. learning in a classroom, X is better or X is worse. - T asks questions to elicit the response "video recording" if necessary. Questions about the first picture: "Is the student on Zoom? What else can this video be?" - Then the T puts the Ss in pairs and instructs them to write down some advantages of lecture videos in pairs. Ss then compare their answers in groups of two pairs. T asks for volunteers to share their ideas with the whole class. T wrties the ideas on the board. - T then instructs Ss that they'll watch a video and asks them to note down the ideas of the Ss in the video. Ss watch the video once and note down the ideas. T then asks Ss to compare their ideas with those Ss' ideas. Video link:

Pre-Reading / Pre-teaching Vocab. (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T informs Ss that they'll be reading about pre-recorded lectures and and people's concerns about pre-recorded lectures. (Optional: T asks Ss what the reading will be about.) Before the reading, Ss are given HOs with a matching exercise (matching words and phrases to their definitions) and a cloze test as a pre-teaching vocabulary exercise. The vocabulary items are as follows: sage, on-demand, commute, norm, opt-in, lectern, policy, opt-out They do these exercises individually. Ss then compare their answers when they're done. T gives wholeclass feedback. Cloze test example: Further information will be provided ________ to anyone who'd like to have it. (on demand)

While-Reading #1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

- T gives the Ss the reading text HOs as well as the gist and sprecific information task HO. - As a reading for specific information task, T asks Ss to find the numbers and names given in the HO in the text and underline what they refer to. The numbers and names are: Panopto, more than 1000, 19, 4, between 70 - 80%. Ss compare their answers and T asks for some volunteers to share their answers with the class. Then there's wholeclass feedback. - As a reading for gist task, T gives Ss 3 minutes to summarize the text in one short sentence. Ss then compare their answers and some volunteers share their sentences with the class.

While-Reading #2 (20-22 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed reading tasks

- T gives Ss HOs with True False questions. Ss answer the questions individually and then compare their answers in pairs. Question examples: 1- The use of technology in lecture theaters has been declining. (F) 2- Academics fear that students won't attend classes because of on-demand recordings. (T) - T then pairs up the SS and asks them to make pros and cons lists of on-demand recording of lectures both from the students' and lecturers' point of view. T instructs Ss to use the information given in the artcile only. Each pair then compares their answers with another pair. This is followed by wholeclass feedback.

Post-Reading #1 (20-22 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to personalize the reading lesson using a productive skill

- T informs Ss that they'll be writing a short summary of the reading. T instrcuts Ss to work alone and to use a piece of paper for their summaries. T gives Ss 2- 3 minutes to go over the reading again so that they can remember some key details while they are summarizing. After the Ss are done writing, T puts them in groups of 6 to pick the best summary in the group. The four best summaries are collected and hung on a bulletin board if possible.

Post-Reading #2 (43-45 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

- T divides the class into four groups and informs them that they're going to debate. Each group is given an opinion to defend. T instructs Ss thta they have 10 minutes to get ready and each student needs to speak about a separate suppoting idea for about two minutes. The other team can prepare and ak questions at the end of each speaker's turn. Group A: Advantages of video recordings for lecturers. Group B: Disadvantages of video recordings for lecturers. Group C: Advantages of video recordings for students. Group D: Advantages of video recordings for lecturers.

Post-Reading #3 (48-50 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to personalize the reading lesson using a productive skill

- T instructs Ss to get ready to write an advantages / disadvantages essay. T informs Ss that they'll be writing a 4 paragraph essay on the topic written on the board. T writes the topic n the board: "What are the advantages and disadvantages of video recordings of lectures for university students." - T collects the papers to give feedback at a later date.

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