Jacqueline Garlitos Jacqueline Garlitos

Tatiana 1 should, shouldn't
pre-intermediate A2 level


In this lesson, student will learn how to use should/shouldn't in the past, present, and future by using an advice web site entry.


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Main Aims

  • student will learn how to use should/shouldn't in the past, present, and future by using an advice web site entry.

Subsidiary Aims

  • student will practice fluency speaking using the target language


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

As this is our first lesson, we will discuss her background information and what hergoals are. Country First language Years studied English What was the learning process like? What did she like about it? What didn't she like?

Placement Test Review (8-10 minutes) • To allow student to see where her strengths and weaknesses are at this point.

Point out to student the positives in her work. Point out some of the errors. Praise speaking tasks. Put forward a plan to move forward.

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

"Things we should/shouldn't do." T: I want you to quickly read through the following text. You're just going to skim it, trying to get the gist of it. Maybe 2 minutes or so. You're not going to take a long time and try to remember everything. T: Are you going to read every word carefully? (no) How are you going to read it? (quickly) (SHARE ENTRY) T: Can you see that okay? Good. Go ahead and skim through it. You have 2 minutes.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T: Did Will advise Alice to study alone? (no) What did he suggest? (She should study with a partner.) Does Alice HAVE to have a partner? (no, it's just one idea) T: Is it a good thing to study for 12 hours? (no) What did Molly suggest Alice do instead? (Study for an hour then take a break) T: Why did Sam say to start with a difficult subject? (You have more energy) Did Sam say to always study in the same place? (no) Does Alice HAVE to move around? (no, it's a ...suggestion)

Productive Task(s) (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T: Now I want you to pretend you're a TV advice expert. I'm going to ask for your advice and you're going to give it to me. T: For example, "My dog is too active in the house. He runs around and tears up everything. What should I do?" Then you would say something like, "Maybe you should give him some more exercise. You should get a ball and take him to the park." T: Do you have any questions? Good. Okay. (T ASKS S, S ANSWERS; T TAKES NOTES) #1 I'm not sure what to do about my daughter. She is 17 and she spends every evening on the computer--on social networking sites. She doesn't study enough and she goes to be really late. I'm worried about her exams. I need some advice! #2 My boyfriend Chris recently started a new job. The money is good, but he works very long hours--sometime late at night. We never go out anymore. He always says he's too tired and at the weekend, he just stays at home and watches DVDs. What should I do?

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T: Here are some examples of language used well. (GIVE A COUPLE EXAMPLES) T: And here are some examples of sentences/phrases that need a little help? (SHARE SCREEN WITH SEVERAL EXAMPLES) T: What do you think needs fixing? Good. Why?

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