Amir Mahdi Abbasi Amir Mahdi Abbasi

3G- Making Arrangements
A2 level


In this lesson students learn the structure and vocabulary to make arrangements to meet somebody. The focus of the lesson is on speaking.


Abc Book

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy in the context of making arrangements to meet somebody

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice and clarification for vocabularies in the context of free-time activities


Warm-up & Reviewing (8-10 minutes) • To review previous sessions

T will show a picture of himself and asks what is he wearing? Then he ask Ss some questions like Amir Mahdi wants to talk about his routines. He wants to talk about something that is happening right now. simple present or present continuous

Lead-in (6-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage Ss

T asks Ss about their free-time. T can use Nowruz as the context. . what do you do in your free-time? and write their answers on the board. T elicits answers. T can show some pictures. After that T asks Ss to match the verbs to the activity.

Exposure (12-14 minutes) • to provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

T asks Ss: " you want to go out with your friend" do you call them or text them? which one do you prefer? Then T pre-teaches the meaning of the words arrange, arrangement, and fancy. and asks CCQ. Then Ss read the text and teacher asks some CCQs for the highlighted words. Then T asks the Ss to put the model pf the dialogue in order. e.g., 1: you ask " how are you" 2: what are they doing? 3: do you like to go out? simple present or present continuous? something that is happening right now? are they talking about their future? is it arranged ? Then T asks two students to copy the dialogue. (in-pairs) Then T puts Ss in groups of two and asks them to change the highlighted words in the dialogue and then practice it together. T creates breakouts for this task.

Exposure & Practice (10-12 minutes) • to provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through listening

T plays the audio and Ss listen and answer T/F questions. Then Ss listen again choose the correct answer. T plays the audio for the next part and Ss write the parts. Then Ss put the phrases in exercise 7 into two categories, and T check the answers.

Useful Language (4-6 minutes) • to highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive task

Useful language is provided by the book in exercise 6 & 7. T check Ss' understanding by asking some questions. T also brings a model so Ss can have a context. This gives Ss some ideas to talk.

Productive Task (18-20 minutes) • to provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

After showing the model, T puts students in-pair and asks them to prepare a dialogue following the instructions. Then T asks ICQ. After Ss completed the task, T checks them. This is the accuracy part and then T gives them feedback and corrects the errors if necessary. After that Ss should act out the dialogue. (Fluency) T monitors the groups and writes feedbacks.

Feedback and Error Correction (6-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T corrects the errors. self correction, peer correction and, teacher correction. T can use these methods depending on the errors.

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