Ali Soleimanpour Ali Soleimanpour

Elementary level


In this lesson, the students will get introduced with comparatives and learn the new language through the context of a text.


Abc blurred warmer image
Abc Reading text
Abc WB
Abc Form picture
Abc Fill the gap Qs
Abc Object/Animal comparison images

Main Aims

  • To provide grammar practice of comparatives

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of comparatives in the context of a reading


Warmer/lead in (2-3 minutes) • To introduce the topic and engage STs

First I'll bring up a pixelated image and ask the STs to guess what's in it. Each time after asking them: what can you see? I will switch to a more clear image. After the STs have guessed most of the image, I'll reveal the original image of a boy, his sister and their farm animals. I'll ask the STs to describe the image and then I'll move on to the next step.

exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide the context of the new language within a text

I'll prepare the reading which is a text told by the little boy in the picture. the text contains different examples of comparatives next to the new vocabulary that they've been introduced in the previous page. I'll say a few things about the text and ask the STs to read it for 2 minutes. After a quick ICQ, I'll put on the text.

Highlighting/Clarification of the meaning (3-5 minutes) • To draw STs attention to the new language

I'll read the text and while reading it, I'll highlight the comparatives using a blue pen. Then I'll use a red pen to underline "than" by asking the STs to say stop when my mouse reaches one. ICQ. Also I will use gestures to present the meaning at the same time.

Clarification of form and pronunciation (3-5 minutes) • To clarify the form and the pronunciation of the new language

Again I'll bring up the image and next to it, I will have an example of the form with a gap: The cow is + ____+er + than the sheep. I will also clarify the meaning of height and size Then, I'll teach the other 3 comparatives by using examples. I'll ask the STs to turn up their mics and repeat each comparative after me.

controlled practice (2-4 minutes) • To prepare STs for a more meaningful practice

I will put on a few sentences with a gap instead of the intended comparative. I'll ask the STs to type in the answer in the chat box.

semi-controlled practice (2-4 minutes) • To engage STs more with the meaning of the new language and prepare them for a free practice

I'll bring up some sentences with blank spots instead of the subjects of the sentence and I'll ask the STs to raise their hand and compare two things with the given comparative.

Free practice (4-5 minutes) • To provide STs to create their own sentences

I will bring up some pictures of two subjects and ask the STs to choose a comparative and make a sentence about them. I will divide the class into two groups and each member who answers first, gets the point for his/her group. ICG

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